11:56pm wednesday 28th of MARCH 2018 i have observed and derived my conclusion that the only real solution for such individual other then go to bed and pray that oneself wakes up without this discomphorting and unbearable sense of real malnificiscent trouble and dommMinishment well it is either to have the OPSEX tickle ones FEET so the nervous jolts of the overrideing twitch or tickled desensed feet are felt good enough and endurable to at least have the present moment of when one is having their feet tickled willing to live and forward future beleive that or the during the evil anxiety killer is better then any PRN please RIght Now bullshtiizm though yeah either that or the individual does in fact need the i used to know drug some number shard crystal something [ meth labelling doesnt not cover it at all {and ritalin is nothing of the crystal snuff that is required to offset such anxiety killer and have one injoi the present moment and endure the ordeal of ones impossible to manage suffering and only renders the victum of such needle rape clincial jab of any mental health trickery FORCED duresed or not compliant and neccessity for ITO or CTO revoke and inprisonment into a MENTAL HEALTH [legal torture center' RElabeled HOSPITAL anyhow yeah just you parents or fosters or guardians that cant put up with the nagging or yelling or crys for help even though its only translateable as f yu or some maggoted evil suggestion of the hydrogen and chloride chlorine taking one by opne the molecules from one cellular vessel of a person well it stoped my heart over a year ago and that was after the fortnightly non penis strokes and lay down to sleep praying and thankfull with gratitude of my then gir4lfriend sarah joan davis robinson the dr sarah the of tool laterquence a perfect circle something nurse who loved me and not the stashed pharmacy storeroom neccessitys well yeah her tickleing my feet and doing it untill i fell asleep every night of 2014 prevented myself dieing of such stroke and only that and the offset from the WAS QUITTED shard crystal something drug of others injected i only snorted and quit when sarah was in my life back then though due to the "ANXIETY KILLER" the result of the chlorine jabs zu-clopentixol and any other no120kg swell into forced to swallow maggotedisyke bullshit while the other female nurse suckes and fucked my psychology protected bersZee anyhow shitgo though iv my pop dided of hydrogen non mentla health pills p[rior his purple and blue skin coatament and fall to floor and my failed resusitation and also my prior then 7 years before friend untill me and sarah were of his knowledge threatento execute me and my failure to drive him to score his then neccessity for offset the crystal or oxy smack equiv that l;eft him dead in the sunshine maxi dual carpark proberly after a boost unfortuately not into her heaven the iss. sorry persons already i know of 2 deaths and another due tot eh anxiety killers existance that of another upwey wise man 2 of the 3 i knew and he died of that synthetic cronic that does only render one maggoted and almost as bad as anxiety kiler=~= chlorine medication well yeah it causes a never loved male of the female once on such maggoted medication never of truth medicine that is required for one person solely to live for at least over 30 years or 40
now 8minutes past midnight on the 29th of march 2018 ill copy and paste this to both account near some i feel may be very spezhill to me even iv not related to any of these thought limit of something that i have no full levelling or knowledge to realise that that saturday train to boronia girl over two or three seats away behind me that i found of very attractive attentive eyes even though not of my preferenced colour though i wouldnt trade her in or swap MAGGOTED failed to finish keyboard inputation ef this off may someone tell this either at prime or of the stretch between such prime numbers aged female that i do intend to whatever no united staes are that clever or some 5 leaf i did find some rhyme language unapproved 1211am 29th of marhc 201 march 2018 2days or 3 untill the april fools day and no need for other cartoonish quib of funny or fuddery maggoted iztyk maggitizm anyhow got to roll from my salvaged ciggys of bumpers and ciggy butts i pocketed and not tossed or thrown out of my own only lips and smokeing so to reduce chance of only reason smokers die of realted illnesses. 1213am 1bac