Boroxide poisoning in gully
Charlie and the membrain corrosion
Cicada 7 yeara failed carapass exit i assisted at the dead noir effect tree were i had ciggys and v cans with polly eariler and later
the tradelink bird caught in the door that had white powder boroxide poisned beak and afraid that could not fly that i nutured yesterday i think and was able to fly again after regaining trust in horrid life and perched up on the 1154 sign lamppost
this morning as i walked down the bike track as a lternate route to grannys looking over shoulder at the hill in upper gully thinking this "livvy/elizabeth lives on this hill wanting to see her as soon as possible" i noticed as i entered the court and diverted the cfa santa truck a dead duck with its neck snapped in the side gutter at the entry of the court and approached it and noticed also had boroxide poisioned beak and i carryied it to attempt burial though decided it needed linen and asked the other suburb north or west of cbd migrants a family that was noted on the 2nd unfree site after i asked granny for a sacrifce linen or shirt and asked them and his mum and i got a mowing stained white t and a blue surgegical napkin bed liner and used both to place near the 1st site i choose useing the snapped still dead duck beaks as indication of rest spot and as i first allowed the duck to be with the young tshirt cotton or something um i noticed irt was still alive and due to my hate for euthenisum i layed it still with its eye glzed looking at me and it was fucked had no neurons and then i rested the snapped beak duck that also was i believe fucked over from a fuckhead whatever race globalist non universe "oil mans mate" who called mre falsey spider and fucked up a mateing duck migration and also went out of patrol zone to batton me just a fuck head lucky for rakrim the sikkunt muslim anyhow noir effect anyhow this duck i made visiable to the santa cfa crew it hadnt maggot myasis yet it happened this morning and doesnt matter as much though i placed it so it could still look up at the sky and knut it didnt get to fly till death anyhow as i observed the paralysed duck i felt its heart beat and let it lay and saw how the boroxide poisioned vaccuumed its eye inwards and i stood up had a ciggy and then went to place the apotahcary ciggy near its beak though it didnt want it obviously so i snapped it and ditched the broken litter at the purple knife i still had from last night from the get better emma fence display for miss queen bee the roman fictius car accident kiss and one of dual shire pillars of quib and wrongneess due to adultery of non cardinal i also last night dropped off the new mobile tempo i purchased that the maggots at knox did the 1010 anyhow really hopeing for this livvy the sparkly water crystal eyed girl i met on the 13th at upper gully when i backed away from the bus after asking the driver how long i got for the final bus to vermont and she crept on me and stubbled on her speach and i had to get on the bus to go on a pointless in failed mish to glen iris and walk to find emma at some hospital though i had to walk to holmseglen then walk to sofias burwood and then other racisyt bullshit regarding the coke zero and medium when i purchased large and then had to walk to knox and then to lewis rd via the bowl of quib communions and then burwood hwy back to ftg library and then grannys and just wanted livvy and felt the magnetism of her and emmas mum septaring to her love still waiting to see her this i think is related to a quib relationship of either my tattoo dedication of melissa or that of ferguson st my cousin rebecca an 82
140pm ending it there as i hopefully hope that the other couple that was sitting next to me injoi the heaven of not the 1959 allowance after bullshit of maggotizm
Daniel Dawson
6 mins ·
livvy I diverted from knox due to paranoia of the library closeing at 1pm so I mished to Ringwood realm thinking of u I should check my messages though I thinking it fragments my soloty to u up2u to meet me the 17th Q of decemeber 2017+Q I'm hopeing you are the love like sarah was before they separated us and she had to move on with mr bailey
Daniel Dawson a text file I wrote here at realm and I need to check my banking and others that have msged me I'm have no sight of msgs for past days due to more loyalty to the water sparkle crystal undescript able eyes that this miss chicken gave me when we made eye contact the livvy I heard her lisp state and love the adoreable side diagonal show off of the hopefully rouse purple shoulder tatto canvass that made you the swan not the anticatcholic bully or bullied meanie I saw on the bus and later fix her life up and clean up here at I'm pretty sure u are not a virgin and realated to a Upwey dan opf fergusus street that sofa sat with my older cousin Rebecca and also poss related to a after dead relised of the sin he contributed person Daniel robinson of the hated family cult iv they do not let this be visable there are real evil hideing behind the post 1959 acts love yousz especially u livvy for madeing me feel a love that of true me and first mate sarah had before forced duress and apathetic abortion anyhow hopefully feb times 3 is not a complete heart ache for either of us or anyone the real cheats not the non lovers that dan robinson didn't relise was existing and the behind closed door adulterly of the not lapadised all cheats will hate on me for knowing they'll get noired hopefully pray that love wins always ok
thank u sarah ill attach the text I wrote here at realm and also this morning I had to exile off premises duie to me getting the hydroclholirne jabs and not the people whom skimmed my trash pack with pension card and keycard hopefully do not have bullshit that ultimately will deplete me coinage or time further away from u livvy iv that your name queen Elizabeth id like to think not the stand in or the non able to digest food due to cheat non cardinal hopefully not just nonaggressive rivals of commuinion
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