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I am going to have to find more information or way to articulate describeing or identifying or explaining this badizm thinking of psychlink meditative false and halve trues. SCHIZOPHRENIA makes a skitzo friend of yah, meanign you become a rageing or unable to handle information that due to this buckler string is incorrect and it may just be a shield for the real person or it could be that its a hypothesis of myself being the crim and having me think about iv someone else sinned or did the crim and its just a self preservation method to ensure that i never want someone else to feel devo like the buckler string does saying the dice vilian is my old used to not think was a rival even iv nonaggressive (lucky for tonights leveling) simpsons neck choke finger in the collar bullshitizm :) :( :| anyway enough of that ill have to add the transcribe of what i rit tonight after seeing my mate the non culprit for all this psychlinked and quible of the default rule devostation. It was good to see he had his own girlfriend and he stated its now in there 2nd or 2 years they have been together so that was a relief even though initially my false grounded abuse over the phone earlier this year to his mums answering machine was uncalled for only due to the truth being it wasnt him the evil sinner and it was hopefully no one and its all just nonsense and symptons of my schizophrenia due to haunts i really believe or some biophysical represented illment or abnormalty like the moles i got from gamma shots/radiation after the laundry basket i presume for the epiglode operation and or removeal, hence why i sound like a maggoted maggot. maggot voice and shit h8 it unless the tone is better dont tell me its when ive smoked cones because my first psychiatrist i think did state "you do need something" meaning i should swap the dope for something else legal though due to limitations of legal and real pharmacuitical laborertys there really isnt yet the true best or goodest medication, lucky for me the zyprexa olandzapine reciepe i reckon changed from back then 2006 and 2007 to now 2018 re-introduced SECU 2015.
ANYWAY ITS NOW 8:45pm 19th of AUGUST 2018