HERE IS A ARCHIVE LIST OF THE NOW WANT TO HAVE ONLINE VISABLE TO ANY KNOWN OR UNKNOWN ANONYMOUS EVEN TO ME READERSHIP OF MY FFDE's the second or third due to my UFNFILES that i cant remember the what UFN stands for other than i think ULTIMATE FILE NUMBER though i think it was something else ill save this one as a FFDEJULY01 so ten characters without the extention though time is now 841PM 2nd of JULY 2018 MONDAY its been a week since i see this girl on the bus last monday when i touched off at 359pm that 25th of JUNE 2018 afternoon. ANYWAY dont want to be depressed or upset iv nothing happened though due to me in purgatory it always seams to be real iv im not the benefit or some IV IT HURTS ME THEN ITS TRUE iv it has me feel better due to purgatory and closeness to hellish xzystan+c= well upsetted and upsettled i dwell. lucky for the consumeables i now am pleased to eat like the sulphur tablets olanzapine as i really reckon they changed the reciepe since last dog 2006 though really it could be my now half decade of primary fluid being V 500ml SUNTORY the is still i think 53g of sugar per canister so is qualify of the non anxiety rule of must have one gram of pure sugar per 10ml of water like fluid it may have to be acidic as well or its just water based drink like the yesterday frozen coke had not enough sugar or was too much like water and hence with a little bit of nervousness to start the fight or flight biomechanism that i still dont understand or am able to define at al just the nervous system starts a panic override sorta and must send signals along the blue veins and arteriys in diagrams with red one being blood vessels well due to my chlorination back halfa adecade ago and only stopped last year arond this time well it does the idea i though of iv even bioelectric current works like any household plug appliance or computer in plughole ast lamp pole wires electricity the 240volt one amp? one im speaking well i was told in highschool electricity the zap yellow think of it is in reality a string of electron eeeeeeeeeE that shoot along the metal only? conductor and then travel along the metal in the "household appliance or pluged in transformer charger for phone excetra and then needs to earth so it either earths at the pluged in thing threw some absorb it in a plate or part of the electric goods or it travels back along the other of the two plug prongs and goes back to the substation and tens or hundred? meter deep poles dug in the ground and earth underground like where that dandenong stud rd may see them towers connect to the substation not the transformer steel brick boxes that are the converter of long distanced or from or for the locality or inverter out of proximity. LOOK its 849pm 2july2018 i dont know much about electricity though i should draw a drawing and add it to the site or at least my facebook better on the site though ill try though wont be able to explain without a diagram 850pm 2nd JULY 2018

FFDEJULY ARCHIVE ~ freeflowdataentry.html 852pm 2/JULY/2018 & EDITFINISHED 9:5o PM 2nd of JULY2018