The Garvan Research Foundation is the fundraising and marketing arm of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research (Garvan). Garvan is a world leader in gene-based medical research, pioneering study into some of the most widespread diseases affecting our community today, such as: cancer; diabetes; Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease; diseases of the immune system and osteoporosis. Garvan aims to discover the origins, diagnostic markers and most effective treatments of disease with the ultimate aim of prevention and cure.

Lifeline provides Australians experiencing a personal crisis with access to online and phone crisis support and suicide prevention services. Lifeline's 13 11 14 crisis support telephone service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and its Online Crisis Support Chat service is available 7 days a week, 8pm to midnight (EST). Sadly, suicide is the leading cause of death in Australia for men under 44 and women under 34 (ABS 2010). Lifeline is committed to a whole-of-community approach to preventing suicide in which everyone plays a role. Reducing stigma and increasing suicide awareness creates a climate for access to care and provision of care by Lifeline and the wider community. All funds raised through NAB will be directed to Lifeline’s new Online Crisis Support Chat service, where help seekers have a one-on-one confidential chat with a Lifeline Crisis Supporter.

The Alannah and Madeline Foundation is a national charity protecting children from violence and its devastating effects. We care for children who have experienced or witnessed violence and run programs which prevent violence in the lives of children. We play an advocacy role and we're a voice against childhood violence. Our values are caring, friendliness, valuing difference, including others, respect and responsibility.