I had this gene lamp that was given to me from my Grandparents in particular my now deceased Grandfather and since then it has gone missing. He and My Grandmother purchased it with other various goldish/brass ordements when they went on a trip as tourists to India many years ago. Now apparently the lamp/vase itself was stolen not from the seller or my grandparents and or either the supplier to the seller apparently though many ownerships previous to it being a legitimate sale someone had thefted such and also used it as an object involved as an accessory in a murder involving an assault and attributing to a wounded victim such vase/lamp/container had peppercorn. Now this murder was many years, decades may have happened in the 1700s or something around the time the Indian Tradeing Company / colonial england "white-man" had first came to and met/explored/traveled/traded/made contact from England Europe and Else to the continent, west Arabia, south(?est) Asia and the thing was this mingle/exchange was comuniity changeing, most for the better though what had happened was that a certain person had aquired a means to become unrightfully priviledged and a situation had arrised where all the young girls of a certain area had or were encouraged into an initiation of adulthood to first visit and be "poped" by this became hated man,male,badhood.
I think that because of the fact I had in my possession such this bras/metal/golden lamp/vase and also entertain and or beleive in such things as prayer and uneducated in the language or knowledge of ideas xzystan+c= of workings like "dharma/Dharma" ?a cloud for karma? well me being pissed off and annoyed that every young now 18 or of child bearing age girl that I had crossed paths with or seen walk the way I came when in public and on made footpaths walking trails the fear later thought was that EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE GIRLS had sucked steroids off my old now blemished friends maggot stick and hence fouled them for any further desire for me to want to marry such girl. I think this overlay or coincidence or unbelieve-able mis-constured?bulldust may have some tnagible or superstitious links and or conections like how I am needing to undergo and complete this blood test against my will and judgement for the sake of keeping my word to my treating team at an eugenics?un-hygienic mind?unwell/well mental health (mHell) clinic in Upper Gully & was ment to be done before this Friday after a 10 or 12 hour fasting that I almost had done last week though due to walking from one area to another I gave in to thrist at Upwey and bought my daily neccessity of internal cleansing via animal bile fluid had my delicious favourable V 500ml SUNTORY.
THe time now is 8:33 AM on the 24th of April 2019 & I only now just relised it is stil morning and I have the whole day ahead of me and can go out and do anything within the guidelines of right and wrong and am glad I am not in Hospital or worse a surgery bed to take some neuro surgicol brain material out of my head. STOP IT NOW! Count Today as a day on leave so it feels better/good. I should correspond to one of my ex-Girlfriends and let her know Im alright and have slept off my hatred or annoyance spite-like tongue at her so yeah Ill upload this and add to it later. ehhhh ketchyah !!! !