So YES the ecology? ecosystemsz health sustainability not air salinity and all that conservational stuff thought string of thinking...
6:09pm Thursday The 8th of August 2019.$
THE ENVIROMENT SUBJECT AND ALL ITS FRUITATION OF CRAFTWORLD NECCESSITIES THAT is 1 of 12 sentences, subjects, objectives. Though it was not ME who thefted or has possession of the 12 pieces of my originally 24 blocks squares rectangles depleted uranium shell melts slag must of been pured into like cookie or biscuit metal things for bakeing or prior dough setting shape things or it was a hollow in some other needed tool thing near a crucible or what have u.
Anyway its up to those that have thefted or have in their possession or those that may have dumped the ill feeling at times especially when touched or moved block ingots they are on average 2 ounces each one centimetre by one inch by one inch & one had a GE transmittor in it must have to do with the link to the Israeli Cook part of a United NationsNazi'sz Association or something?
Talking about the gold thalium lead solid mercury ? biltsmuth I purchased off eBay in September 2014 = the gold uranium radium? I am not criminally insane stuff that made me goto the police station and state such. too much information, would the people that do have in their care any of the missing bricks or travelled threw their hands may all or one at least of yous?z submit to my email: unfreecoffeecup@gmail.com a sentence or topic idea that will save this planet from consequences like FrakCounty !!!! ???? !!!! !!!!
6:21pm Thursday The 8th of August 2019.$

Daniel Dawson
Boycott Lamb & Mutton Industry and that arid land the wind turbines are on is evidence of FRAKcounty earths blood petroly like drained cured from 200kms away......
[maybe <-- that information is incorrect it may just be the grain feed livestock and the now present of 2000+ situation of higher or just in xzystan+c= the methane misplet it saying methang stupid imbellica of me at state library computer 8.8.19.$]
Though shearing wool from lambs sheep is correct and Shepherd moving heards across grounds in line with seasons, also cows for milk and birds when whispering to some regarding a broken yolked solidfetal? Egg was told to open grave bury near recentist deceased Lucy budgee that needed a couldn't operate hysterectomy though finches stressed don't cover the broken egg in the hole as superstitious thankyou caged birds for communication
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Daniel Dawson
Daniel Dawson
Plant more propergateing non vektd plantations (was1of12)
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Daniel Dawson
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2 minutes after 6pm Thursday The 8th of August 2019.$