5:42pm Saturday The 12th of January 2019 & I am considering re-doing the current few minute spent last year or the year before's mtd.html page.

5:43pm Saturday 12.01.2019. I need to also add below a hyper-link to the current original mtd.html page and rename it to 1stMtDpage.html
I will do that now 5:44pm 12.1.2019.

5:44pm Saturday The Twelveth of January 2019
5:47pm Saturday 12.1.2019 I just then renamed the older mtd.html page that is only 67 B = 67 bytes and was last edited in American Coffeecup.com time, date, calandar square being 29th April 2018
5:49pm Saturday 12.1.2019 Now I am going to scrypt the link to that original didnt say enough of Mount D though is indication of how I used to acknowledge or think when during transit threw (along mount dandenong tourist road) that I was in Mount Dandenong not Olinda hence my reference to the best or at least one of the best pizza shops being Mt D pizza (Olinda Pizza) circa after (or before) the footy club started and my nil involvement other then two of my younger brothers and sitting in the PED 015 red van all day doing nothing good and hateing weekends due to being a teenager or younger and not doing any sporting extra curriculum then the only outside school stuff I did was swimming and tennis & scouts at Ferny Creek only sorta briefly and never learned or trained good enough to have such talents as a now currently an adult (being 31years old and that) Though for reason this is intended to become the new mtd.html page (though its a link further in from the index equivalent mtd.html file) well then/now thinking should make it the 2ndMtDpage.html titled page or the mtdrantstarttransissionandrebranding.html that seams more appropriate though anyway time is now saying 5:53pm (current whilst editing says 6:08pm) and I gotta do these links and make this page good enough to be publicaly able to see as the address I rit on the IGA community notice board slip and I feel that I owe sorta for it. TIME was +-1754 = 5:54pm (now it is +-1809 6:09pm) Saturday The 12th of January 2019. EDIT FINISHED 6:09pm 12.01.2019

Edit started at 6pm or time now says 6:01pm Saturday The 12th of January 2019 & I gotta tweek touch up the incorrectness typeoes I did before I proof read this I dont normally or ever really check/read any of my site content though think I better for this 1

6:03pm Saturday 12.01.2019
6:04pm Saturday 12.01.2019

EXTRA EDIT FINISHED 6:19pm Saturday 12.01.2019. now 620pm Saturday 12.1.2019 & doubt it even is good enough for anything unless i get links to online presense of each shop/store, though it is not a neccessity for such xzysting as most of all hills business is exchanged or takes place on site or in shop/store so internet site xzysting is a possible unneeded potential expense that can not be justified to allocate business finances towards hence I am guessing hardly any of the shops stores have a webpage other then maybe a free facebook one ? Though this now gives me something to do to add and ask the staff or owners of each business on the hills or just Mt D iv they have any online presence and agree for me to list them on the list of shops html page that I can show them on the spot iv they have a internet browser enabled device / mobile, though havent yet made the format or scrypted the page good enough so they can visualize how it may look with their business name trading name visable on such created list. EDIT FINISHED 6:23pm Saturday 12.01.2019 damn missed saving it now time is 6:24pm Saturday 12.01.2019. EXTRA EDITING AGAIN @ 6:25pm Saturday 12.01.2019

HOPELESS EDITING FINIHSED @ 6:27pm Saturday The 12th of January 2019