Daniel Dawson
the list of 12 names that I am unaware of identitys other then a pair of only adulterist? due to cheat and slyizm though they did like each other when kids teenagers and yeah I heard or a haunt?psychlink suggested in mobile meditation that they offered such one or more bricks to a person as barter though that includes the girl who was such person though unsure iv she accepted it due to superstition and subliminally knowing there was a bit "ify" about the tangible not just the radium resonance that can though can't be felt RF bullscrypt though yeah that does tie in a has happened twice at least now phenonimon that of like the 1908s Shinning and the flash bang white noised piiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngggggggggggggggg sense tune in hear in your head or hertian resonantes such when both different times and was confirmed via next sighting of the individual that they both where kinetically assaulted one a girl who unsure and thought was it due to pregnant to anothers child and I was natural God parenting though that was disqualified as such title thinking as when my youngest brother was punched in the jaw and later hosptialized for the broken jaw that I learned of happening the following morning after before I slept I heard the flash bang ppppiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggg though didnt want to believe it was my brother though Mum told me when I woke up that at the pub the night before my brother was hit so it just relates to people i care about and do not will death or illment on and the tangible is the flash bang real time with such kinetic conciousness altering struckshon though I do feel it maybe my absence of each scenario that caused the assault may have been avoided had I been present and have no idea must be some political diplomancy of different circles and ideas such as the 1 of 7 and how it relates to the theif or the adulterist that never wants you assaulted or captured stuff like that the people that alot of us tend to be unintentionally pendning whom it is or not have the suggest from left is suggesting terming as "double standards" though that is not what I am suggesting with this 1 of 7 rule its more the people who may steal or commit a one in 7 deadly sin primed 10 commandment breach in order to heart break you iv 1 of 7 WILL NOT DO ANYTHING TO BRING PHYSICAL HARM TO YOU and only steal tangibles and or cheat you iv such is your partner. Most of 1 of 7 derives from demand that is not being met or absolved though its like the home invaders or nuke switch operator they dont do the ten nil of un pharmed ten commandments where iv one bad egg truely will kill they will breach all ten methods principles to hurt harm your feelings includeing the human body damaged mortified iv they are all ten sin and not nil though i think the ten nil principle or clue is hint to those that will not breach all unpharmed ten commandments methods of hurting one is a nil of the ten or something. Todays world it is a pity that hansolo and chewy have to smuggle antidotes and are not the bmw or mercaedes driver to the dentist tower sorry though wheres my annesteeezzzzeee? I need it for bore construction. 3:30pm Friday The 26th of July 2019.$
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Daniel Dawson
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