Daniel Dawson 1st attempt to list some commodities that xzyst: - JPS red ciggy$ - Jps Red Cigarettes - Cans of classic coca cola 375ml - V500ml Original Canisters - Water & Water bottles - Bird Seed - Budgees & Finches feed - Bic Lighters (MAXI AND MINI 1s) - Dodgey Lighters (off NET) - Paper & Parchment$ - these tablet cardboard dividers - Ash plain cigarette Ash - Aluminium Cans Empty$ - Used No Ink left pen$ - Clear plastic pieces - platapop wooden sticks - toilet rolls --> AMCOR / ORORA neccessitie$ - biowaste - toilet bowl content$ - Spent water & pennywise - Soapy & Detergent waste water - fallen from tree - Stick$ - Wood ~ Split Wood - Firewood - Used Rubber tyre$ (Widetred example CAGE1) - Cigy butts - HOMELESS PILLOW$ - Empty Ciggy Packets - Opened Envelope Paper$ - Display Book$ with Art Attempt$ inside(might decrease value) - COMING SOON !!!! Lemon Tree$ & Walnut Tree$ & other one$ Edit or delete this Like · Reply · 1m Daniel Dawson Write a comment...