Commodities List 2020 10 06 0057 1(.txt) ==== - = - ============== - ==== - ===== A20201006_Commodities_List_2020100600571.txt (0003) - - - - . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - .computer blank fresh brand new unwritten or printed on single sheets of A4 paper ! .empty out of ink physical pens that can not write anymore and are almost use-less ! .ciggy butts & ash tray contents (keeping in mind the different grades & health risk amplified sources that have to be idenitified ! .empty cigarette packets that still have the silver colour foil inlay that also can be used for art projects ! .toilet bowl contents = sewerage = spetyktank contents = waste that has no wanted mention or xzyst out of the ground or on ones dinner plate ! .reciepts, bank slips, myki invoice square pieces of paper printed on, parchments, paper? "have you ever seen paper ? ! ! ! .the 27th 1 again ! That being milk bottle caps that aren't holdable currency or redemption tokens like when Paul's Milk had the 10cent capsZ ! .the 8th tangible physical actual factual xzystant material ? resource ? neccessity to live ? that being the element and bottled for travelling finite = AIR ! OXYGEN !!! .sticks that have fallen from gumtrees in the yard and not branches that are survive-ing arteries to plant and tree growth, lush-ment?, garden overall health ? ! ! ! .the tenth item that has to make this .txt file notepad created typed , me sitting at this computer setup effort worthwhile - the 1MB black cat usb flash drives ! ! !