DOUG$BARTONLIST2021.txt ==== - = ===== - == = - ======= --> That Brown Paper Bag (The uBer 1 replace with the Officeworks 1) ! !!! --> Another Bic Pen (maybe2?one blue , one black) = [[ I HAVE ALREADY GIVEN SOME PEN$ !!! ]] --> A bar of soap ( A DOVE BOXED BAR OF SOAP QUALIFYSZ! !!! ) --> The unknown branded "Sugar Soap" liquid handwash dispenser unit x1 --> Dettol handwash dispensor unit x2 or x1 ! !!! --> Dishwashing Detergent x1 ! --> A bottle of A2 Milk ! ! ! --> A 600mL PEPSI bottle of cola !!! --> 2?or3?Litre bottle of Woolworths Orange Juice ! --> Water & Electricity $ (?$2?$1? Bill$ $ub$idy Money !) !!! --> More Toilet Paper Roll($) so I am defineately ahead with them at least ! !!! --> A homemade card was ment for birthday though have inside a danbank offer ! !!! --> Defineately for Christmas (2020) try and get him a tobacco pouch ! [[ I did mission accomplish this 1 (: ]] --> Raw Sugar 2kg or 1kg ! [[ I have already paid this and delivered such to Barton already !!! ]] --> Mocona Coffee Jar 400g !!! [[ I have already paid and delivered two of these jars to here already !!! ]] --> Deliver another 4x 600mL water bottle($) to Doug's place ~ BARTON RESIDENCE [[ Ive already given 8 though need 12 ! ]] = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = ||||.|.||||||||||||||