D E B T $ / M O N E Y - O N L Y - L I S T = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = $1,000,000.00c AUD ~ MY GOD MOTHER'S SECOND SON !!! $12,000.00c AUD ( 40 x $300.00c AUD ) RENT AREARS MONEY $ !!! $3,182.00c AUD ( Left of pledge money to equate to $21k total given / giftedd !!! ) SARAH ! $500.00c AUD ~ MY CBA TOTAL OVERDRAFT LOANED / SPENT BANKS MONEY DEBT ( & DR INTEREST$ & FEE $ ) !!! = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = ^ NON-INFLATION-ENTRY$Z! ^^^ VvVv INFLATED ABLE ENTRY$Z vVvV ENTRY$Z I HAVE TO REPAY EVENTUALLY & ARE UP-TO-DATE-ONLY-TO-JUNE-30TH-2020-!-!!! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = AFROZA DEBT $350.00c AUD ( 2006/2007 earilest could have been though think it was 2007/2008 financial year & NidgeCo owes 100% !!! ) 1 BULLSHIfT ENTRY IS: ($316.00c AUD) 1rCO_dinner$300approx_him,me&sarah_dinner_in_Berwick_?2010-2015???!!! & $15 for dud (alphapharm not xtc) bikkie & $1 indescrepance offset !!! CHARL VIVIERS $250.00c AUD ( 2009/2010 financial year, so 2019/2020 financial year = $305.06c AUD ) ! ! ! ! - ! ! ! DEBT$ THAT ARE OVER A HUNDRED DOLLAR$ , THE PEOPLE I OWE SUCH TO ARE THESE BELOW LISTED: = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = = = --> Rhiannan Brimms ( either $20 or $100 in 2002/2003 financial year !!! ) = 2019/2020 financial year = $148.32c AUD !!! --> Tiffany O'Neal ?$less then $50, $40something in 1989/1990 financial year so 2019/2020 = (no more then) = ! $103.86c AUD !!! --> John & Monique <>&<> $???.??c AUD --> Mick & Angie Crofts $???.??c AUD --> Adam Timms ( the tent $$$ ) --> Nay Adderson ( $50 cash & $200ish shopping spree ! ) --> Steve & Wendy <> danbank bonds that were issued to them both holding AUD value ! --> Luke Savage ( $201 sale for a Eldar Vyper Jetbike (shop painted equivY quality/skill level/condition) !!! --> Granny $999.99c AUD (2019/2020) Plumbing Incident few years ago now ( was $1200 that inflated to $1236.07c AUD & ive repaid $236.08c AUD hence the $999.99c AUD ) !!! --> Mum (($15k danbank bonded)that entitles her to a free $15 each fortnight) & a free 49c bonus $ this coming fortnight (for previous fn's debt tier reached $490.00c AUD) & ------> $440.00c AUD trailing debt amount ! --> Parents the ( $86,390.04c AUD ReGiftment Amount 2019/2020 ) ---->>>> & a ( $310.00c AUD ciggy DEBT ) ---->>>> & a ( $750.00c AUD ($150.00c AUD x 5) missed BOARD & Lodgeings DEBT ) ---->>>> & the $910.00c AUD SuperMarketDebt910 = current right now at 209am Saturday The 30th of January 2021 !!! --> MY COROLLA '88 SECA --->>> $120.00c AUD for a new BATTERY !!! --->>> $194.95c AUD for six months REGISTRATION DUE FEB8TH/7TH20Z1! --> --> -->