RosannaList2020v5.txt ==== - = - ============== --> Floor Cleaner product ?$$$ --> Dishwashing Liquid ??$$$$$ --> $1+?$ for Water?Electricity?Gas?SewerageREMOVE!AL?$$$ --> Luke Sand's packet of CORN CHIPS (CC'$) [[ Delivered on and repaid !!! ]] --> Another packet of rollie paper$ !!! --> Cadbury Coated OREO twin pack product !!! --> 1x Mt.D OLINDA PIZZA $15 LARGE for both me & Dave & whombever he wants to donate slices too . ... --> ?another handwash liquid soap dispenser unit x1 --> A PEACE OFFERING OF A DOVE BOXED BAR OF SOAP x1 --> ?another toilet roll iv I go there again for use there ! x1