454pm 19th of december 2017 +Q
in loving memory of my first loyal and honour holder miss sarah joan now Mrs. Bailey pray that no on this young livvy and she is just as loyal and kind

455pm 19/decemeber/2017+Q
456pm i need to construct a new skeleton for this website of non3sense and yeah all you people to avoid hertic witch burning of rust country be following moses law root and dont cheat and be a sly maggot or shitgo as boz county langweeFY
EGGZACKLY:457pm 19th of december 2017 +Q : BIN JUTIES BIN DUTIES BIN JURIES NO FALSE WITNESS OR PROPERGATING THE OVER 21 KNEALER CREW THANKYOU THE GOD WHOM AINT EVA A HUMAN OR MOLECULE 4:58pm 19/december/2017+Q id think 27 years or some after the skatbuin prelude to my months plus stay on the steel trolley at RCH 1990-?
4:59pm S/X/+Q