- Dad
~ one gold engravedd Zippo lighter (irreplaceable=deathpayment-in-order-to-be-forgiven-from-the-theft &
& a brand new plain black zippo (this1could maybe be replaceable though defineately most likely expensive in doing so !
- Adam I
~ one gold disc/disk cd/dvd of copy of "fuzZ
- David H
~ two Domino's value pizza$ one for just him to eat & one for just me though me paying for them both &
& either a Mt D / Olinda Pizza large pizza or equivalent that i pay for that we both share &
& that $50.00c AUD i owe that i plan to repay $10 per payday for next/last five paydaysz &
& the 2 Wee William$ cigarillo tin$ for his Dad Lee &
& a was $14.99c AUD RollingStone$ magazine also for his dad Lee
- Sarah B
~ the rest of this $21k , so the five $10.00c AUD transfer$ &
& the $2,000.00c AUD remaining?fully?all at once? or convertedd into a danbank bond &
& her Dad also Lee something for the StarTrek DVD boxedd set so was thinking at least 1 packet of Winfield Red 25s though . . .
- Kimberley T
~ the $185 singer sewing machine antique in wooden carry box &
& also the part$ singer sewing machine from UFTG &
& the michael
& the Nintendo Gameboy ?DS?!!!....
Allen F
~ the $ for / or just that one can of bourbon of his choice
Paul A
~ the one Ned Kelly $1,000,000 AustraliAn novalty banknote &
& the miniture toy/novalty/gift undisclosedd here for surprise for him &
& the $20.00c AUD i owe him inflatedd to ? $23.40c AUD (financial year????/????)
Aaron B
~ one ream/packet of 200 blank white pages of A4 printer paper . ... .....
Heath A
~ one bottle of his choice due to R.I.P. Simon & me drinking all of a bottle he providedd.....
Luke L
~ this one packet of dual nonunhappy$
Sanela K
~ her usb portable usb charger unit thing &
& an alvoeVeraALPHid$
Zeni $
~ the one & the ziplock that had my debt to her brother in it before he diedd oweing me $$$$
R.i.p. Glen A
~ the ?myspace44 &
& $1.00c AUD to a relative whomb may make an SZI9$ into ZZo$ as the fiv-is the fortune from the Westpac heist in 1990...
The Conners
~ these six normal sizedd Mars bars that is outside the hundred owedd. ...
Steve O'S
~ this copper tin pay thing for the $8/7$ drink from Belgrave main street debt tribute entry &
& something for the pink and white (Michael Grey - The Weekend) pieces of paper &
& something else for the Father's Day hallmark card$ &
& again something else for the blank cd$/dvd$ &
& then something extra for the printer copy scanner i bought for $10.00c AUD &
& finally an up2his descretion amount of "SORTsZ" to level and resolve/repay/earn the debt to be zero...
Krida O'S
~ this one bottle of Ribeena
Mel R
~ the one large pizza &
& $20.00c AUD from 2003/2004 inflatedd to ?$ (use rba.gov.au inflation calculator)
Shaun P & Zac Y
~ the one large pizza (for them both to share)
The Everist$
~ the one large pizza @ least !! &
& ?$20.00c AUD?or?$15.00c AUD? from 2000/2001 inflatedd to ?$ (use rba.gov.au inflation calculator) &
& think at least one roll of toilet paper. ... . . . . . ,,
Tom B
~ this $30.00c AUD from 2002/2003 inflatedd to ?$ (use rba.gov.au inflation calculator)*
*though i paid Daniel C $43.20c AUD something few years ago to go towards this $50 rip/jib that had been coveredd partly with the inflatedd $30s amount of $40something
Tim B
~ 13 maxi bic lighter$ (even though I7OS.SO
Tim P
~ .$10.00c AUD from November 2014 so 2014/2015 financial year = ?$
Nicole ?
Hailey O
~ a gift black obsidian stone / semi-precious geologic crystal/stone/rock/gem/?crystMovementCurrency?GiFT &
& her mum???
Raen W
~ .just again?or?$50?financial year?think?20182019.$?or?2019.$/2020?unsure&unknown i have to ask her!!!
next person