132idea-Article0001RESOURCE1-The-truth-10cent$-per-aluminium-drinking-can-and-or-for-certain-bottle($-A20241121-DANDE.txt ==== = ============== ========= ===== ============ ==== = ======================= =================== =============== ============== ! collect & gather / horde finishedd drinking aluminium can($) most being 375mL or 500mL or even 250mL and other mL amount$ !! then the collectedd empty can$ make sure they are fully empty and shake out any dribbles, drips, and foreign objects/fluids etc....... i then recommend that you have somewhere dry out of the rain and weather perferably use of just one or more plastic garden bins with lids are ideal though you may use any receptical you rather use yourself though yeah once the can$ are drunk and then initially processedd with shakeing out the excess fluid and any possible foreign objects like ciggy butts and or syrindges? or anything a stick twig ?spit tissue paper ? anything!!!!!!! once fully empty then its personal choice though i pull off the metal can opening ring pull thing and stash quanitify that seperately to the can$ themselvesz as there are charitysz that accept them in bulk and rumour is that they melt them down and make prostetic limbs for those unfortuneate though yeah regardless dont worry about potential weight loss as 4 of them always make a gram and iv going for the kilogram exchange (and not the currently xzystant 10cent$ per can!) it takes 75 can$ the 375mL onesz in order to make a kilogram & 125 can$ the 500mL V cans for example to make 2 kg$ though yeah iv gettign the 10cent$ per can exchangedd then you dont have to worry about weight though instead the condition of the can itself and i have heard of can exchange places refuseing to swap/exchange crushedd or dintedd can$ so be mindfull of this & find out at your local or closest exchange location's staff/management?etc....... ! AND YEAH!!! ..thats about it! all the information is i hope there above / here and iv not and i feel like adding to this file i shall though think thats all you need to know to get startedd true! remember 10 can$ = $1.00c AUD and 100 can$ = $10.00c AUD !!!!!!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 3:39am Thursday 2024 11 21 - D A N D E