A132ARTiCLE-HOW-TO-EARN-UNEARN-FREE-MONEY-iN-AustraliA-2024.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = 10:22pm / 2222 24hr time .... . . . . !! here are the only means that i currently know of to make free money aside sale$ and or renting/Leaseing and or wage$ / director's fee$ and or equivysz though yeah here below is the brief list.... + BANK ACCOUNT CREDiT iNTEREST($ + ASX LiSTEDd SHARE DiViDEND($ + CURRENTLY i THiNK HSBC BANK iS OFFERiNG 2% CASH BACK ON PURCHASE$ + and unfortuneately daniel / me / myself may not think of any other means?/z! other then maybe a direct credit payment from doing surveys or similar with a good providesz even iv takes forever though eventually adventurely you get paid real money AUD$ from a website like https://rewardscentral.com.au & yeah right now cant think of anymore OCD'd TIME STAMP: 10:26pm WEDNESDAY 20241106 - D A N D E