page1: ?the official?1st?page Now though 20230729 Saturday 20230722$c!? the time 1s or was near 830pm & I've missedd the bus to get mt D pizza b4 close = = = = - - - - 833pm checking bus times the other way to Upper Gully though last bus back up the hill is 9 something I've left it too late! = = = = - - - - DAMN 1+! DAMAGED! ====---- hopefully someone has replyedd to me on facebook! page2: 836pm @ Alpine Lodge FC Vic Au = = = = - - - - 924pm last bus up the hill from UFTG. 936pm from Sherbrooke Junction then 95Xpm from MtD--> UFTG 1 minute it is 905pm$ - - - - ---- = = = = Finally on the bus & (O) that song on the overhead music ? EARlier today "youre out of touch, ? youre not there when im not around" ! Now @ Sassafras th1nking Or Wondering (thought) do I miss the bus going back psychlink says I wont page 3: the problem still even iv I be a Vegatarian is how I constantly write & Im under the belief that pen 1nk is the fluid in the pupil / inside the eyes of once alive Animals Worriedd Im Gonna Miss the Bus back to FC = = = = - - - - DANIEL, cheer up its not you its him & you Dont Actually know how hard it is to stay clean when you are in a world of ?? Just thought to bail though MtD it is page 4: Saturday20230222.$... page 5: 20230722Saturday near 940?950 10pm ish DAN, its that type of shiFt. = = = = - - - - $132.2Dc in debt $367.74 DR $317.75c T H R E S H O L D eh? who$ ?$ ! it Completely i5 unearn$ Im cba Asx $100,000,000.00c $2m Overdraft 1%p/a fixed loan page 6: Daniel Ment to bE @ DAN YOU CAN NOT believe the threshold that hadn't been Seriously DAN, BE gratefuLL fantasy Correct$ the GlobE DAN NOT THE AM A ROUND. (scan page 6 due to a drawing !!! ...... ) page 7: The Raphael thread @ Home Invasion Laundry wire mesh door trying to exit & being told stay in or go back to your body as because even though it will be an ordeal & hard just go back in your body & endure it because there is girls (aside the 2 already in the house) that havent even been born yet that you (me) are going to help refrain & not sin (or be whores) & yeah extra info here record / writing about it/this the extra page 8: just a near blank page with margin edgeing in blue pen sorta not even worth scanning also .... . . . . | | | | page 9: -->fos(fromOtherSide); the extra information illiegable was/is that like Sarah; illiegle ( Mel & Allison ) etc that you Daniel @ Least do get to love. = = = = - - - - it was 453pm & now 507pm = = = = - - - - Grimes~FleshWithoutBlood Friend of mine Marty's exGF the 1st flows 9 page$ the v|v then here is the start of the 2nd flow: Saturday20230729$ time to me is still unknown