index ~ [ [ i n d e x . h t m l ] ]
i n d e x S A T U R D A Y 2 0 2 3 0 7 2 9 $ . h t m l
- H a P p Y - B i R t H d A y - (( HpBd-paintFiLE($) )) ~ actual computer file$ that you may take to some stores and get printedd for (as low as i can find currently) $0.10c AUD per print (= 6inch((576pixels)) x 4inch((384pixels)) )
- downloadedd-content---?image$-etc------
- Microsoft Accessories ~ Notepad ( .txt ) file$ & ( .html ) file$, ... ......
- ?
3D objects; Desktop; Documents; Downloads; Music; Pictures; Video; HARDDRIVE(c:\) etc ......
BrokenScreenLaptopWithCordFromLaptopToNormalComputerMonitorToUseAsTheScreen& ... ......