Alright I was notified either via phone call or a formal letter or both the information of a single person meeting with one of the seniors or administrative or of higher authoritive power?privilidgesz?responsibility?directive?of the Belgrave Masonic Lodge now over a decade ago I think still in the year 2009$ though I'm unsure of the month though think it was around the time I was working for a girl I likedd$mum cleaning guttersz and that though yeah I think I drove my car to the Belgrave Masonic Lodge front carpark seen the dude I was ment to meet there and then he guidedd me to the front door of the Lodge foyer and unlocktdd it and we walktdd inside though yeah first he showedd me the function and mealsz eating function room with annexed kitchette and for the rooms feature wall or backdrop aside windows to my left was at the back wall a full paintedd I think not photographedd scene of Puffing Billy a steamtrain notorious to Belgrave tourizm though yeah after that room he showedd me a windowless dark unlit room that was like a sunken loundge though was instead lower then level seats benches that encircledd this rectangledd table and he said it was for certain meetingsz that were seperate to the full monthly or first 2nd ?¿ Last certain weekday name of the or any month pending on the assignedd and belongedd to'$ Lodge a member is housedd in/connectedd/affliliatedd to and he said iv I decidedd to join (&pay the min$230 annual yearly membership fee($)) that I would be assignedd to this " Braedale " Lodge & he said that translatedd to " broken lands " and yeah at the time I didn't know much about it though yeah.... 1stCopyNpasteTypeddParagraph522pm29January2025-DANDE 17:45 (=545pm) You sent Then threw some hallwaysz and that with strange interesting sorta photo paintingsz drawingsz of scenesz I'm promptedd ever since to be connectedd to FREEMASONRY is the scenesz with black and white tailed squares flooring and of anything to suggest inversion like the not always addedd or visible the symbol brand logo of that I know of FREEMASONRY being the compass open legged into an ^ shape with a setsquare rightangledd ruler under neath for the invertedd V under the ^ and in that centre of this logo is the letter G though yeah after the short hallway there was a I think two doorsz lockedd that the Freemason dude unlocktdd and above the doorway was three letters saying V. M. C. and other then a known mates initials of a toff goodie I don't know what it represents even iv in Roman numberalsz as that I think is out of order iv it was 5 1000 100 though yeah anywaysz it once we walktdd inside I was told " this is the Lodge meeting room " and to me it remindedd me sorta of like a 70s era version of an actual courtroom as there was at one side a risen by only a foot or half foot raiseingsz that had the "throne set" of three throne normal chairs that he said the one to the left facing the throne was for the chapters lodges Chaplin and the one to the right is the predessessing previous leader and the middle chair for the current leader and above the chair suspended from the room/wall was a painting or photo poster framedd showing the Queen I think Queen Elizabeth II though it was not for reason that she was the leader it was to show that for every made man of antiquitysz criteria of manhood being not a legalcleanSkinDogEthicallyOrBrotherhoodly anyway it was to say each man is ruled by their singular wife each man one girl the wife and FREEMASONRY has at or as one highest principle maintaining and respecting eachs rite to marriage of such setup that is necessary for heaven on earth = utopiA Though yeah also in this meeting room was in its centre from the room a string or cord hanged just this wooden shaped as letter G hanging from the centre of the meeting rooms roof and I won't say here though I had my own thoughts about why this is so though yeah also tangent related to this meeting room was I think opposite the throne triple seats across the open carpet floor nearer to the wooden barrier fence like seperator that held had room for seating for all the membersz that attended such meetingsz though in the central open but though hugging the edge was this post with a fancy wooden metal caseing that held what I was told is an " ashlar " . ... ..... = = = = - - - - ! and now at the public library the time is now 611pm Wednesday January 29th 2025 - D A N D E !! & yeah~ thinking ill save this and type up more about this memory/story/information relatedd to Freemasonry and the Masonic Lodge in Belgrave from what i may remember from 2009$ though yeah ill continue on starting with the word ASHLAR alright? good ...... OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 6:13pm Wednesday 20250129$ - D A N D E