Daniel Dawson 2h · Shared with Public First intendedd to be a text msg to a m8 then consciousness of remote readers?/z I do or may or may not benefit from such reading this though had to copy n paste it ! All covenist and that... Unfunny jokes page not sure iv this is material for that Facebook page I made awhile ago ....... DANDE Make a sticker for propergateting slapping stickers that have on them: Jesus didn't die for our sins The equation formula is Jesus was killed because people at the time worshipped sin and badhood and bad deeds/z hurtfully notions/z hurt and punishment physically wounding priority of those that broke hearts and collectively were the human sinners that iv regardless of the animal pharmedd Bible story's?/z! Are true or not it is due to the levels?/z of government the plebbelance the civilians the peasants?/z! Iv thinking in recardoStoryian game of thrones/z in interest not of the semi nudeity though the discrimination of classes professions?/z determining of & other shiF I don't understand and yeah... Here I am power walking to the next bus stop in hope the bloody nav point is operational for the last bus up the hill to ferry me up the damn hill as I'm not too keen on a Croydon Montrose kalorama Mt d Olinda sassafras Sherbrooke junction hike / walk assist or not.... 843pm Tuesday January 7th 2025 this was first intendedd as a msg to a friend one alias not rememberedd to continue with the persons?/z insane not or is of the.... Not a Asian company initially before the thing of copying some transcript from a Warhammer games workshop store magazine filler page contents?/z! In a white dwarf... B$-isnt-me & Luckily bus stop 9844 finally a bus stop that has the bus come past one minute I think or near of the first initial one I thought to wait for the bus @ though yeah crossedd Mt DANDE non g road that might be wrong as it's dorse set? &4get?¿ 847pm I'll msg this & copy n paste it into a post on Facebook alright