The Ten Commandments ==== = ============== "Thou shalt have no other gods before me" 1st response/draft202501101821-DAN ~~ ~ there is nothing more inportant then the tip/head/highest/leader/ruler/omipresent/outerSpaceNotLimitedd/noHumanOtherThenEmulationszLikeJesus-&--- !and !!there is NOT 1 PERSON or Group or any physical tangible human or biologic humaniod , alien, person, zombie, creature, living?concious?person($)/people($) that have more Authority than God. ONLY GOD 1S THE HiGHEST AUTHORiTY & ?PREDATE$ THiS REALiTY & XZYSTANCE ~ WE, US, ANY AND ALL person(sz)=people are not the initial foundation that our Good God is/was/alwaysz/& predates any HOCHTiEF merc aboringee$?/z! in and on paper.. ==== = = ==== "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images" !!i think this thou shouldnt make images of that what is in heaven = means dont make phorn/porn as the true heaven is in bed with your marriage that everyone agreedd with & rite of such has been grantedd/earnedd/deservedd/not-depraven-&wantedd !!also dont make any people actually killedd movies/z smuff sawNil cannibal table$/z in kitchen red rum = torture = psychologic harming viewer ?further apathizeing fueling a potential false idol or bad aspirational & worser iv encouragedd faultedd principle & vicedd virtue=break of commandment($)/=?sin=the wrong thing... ==== = = ==== "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain" ?!blastPHLAMEy the heritic witch burners/z killing people for falsely or rightfully determining as badhood sinful witch or male sinner though the fact of asault and red rum penalty xzysting means/z the capital punishment allowing governance/authority (that are ment to be of Good GOD & have no sin iv they are to emulate an example human decisionmaking sample one like the character Jesus) the authority is faultedd and its supporters?z and anyone involvedd (even iv modern day just doing their job) =ARE MARTYR($ = dieing or living till dieing of the false religion and the wrong principle($||| we us all only faall short of Sainthood due to our sins and decisions?z::actions?z::non-actions?z::etc that were governedd by breaching a ten commandment or just sin itself an act of not loving nonharming or thieveing lunchcutting etc....... it is a breach of this commandment iv you claim you yourself is God or like those twisting my modern day(post201?[[[QUARTERofTHeLAW]]]] where an outside the drug quarter of the crimes act pie chart classifications?zGroups?zType?Adept$ of crime$ saying "oh because i dont use drugs im allowedd to kill people or punch them or thieve or toilet paper toothpaste etc b$ like that or being a witchburner leading either others?z or just yourself in a witchhunt or serialkiller neccessity of b$.... idk Anyway not sure right now how to explain needing a ciggy and finish this v before it gets warm too warm so yeah ill have a go of this another time hopefully and would be good iv any one else out there just submits to my facebook account an attachment microsoft windows accessories notepad .txt file savedd as what you the submitter call it and ill scope it and proberbly add you or a link to your content iv approvedd by me and yourself though yeah.... 644pmJan10th2025-BSH&TBsarah'sBF'sbday2day! ==== = = ==== "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" !!this one is just to remind people its not 24/7 or 48hours straight or 8hours 8months 8seconds or 24 hours?z of just work?mainly forcedd duressedd work labour it is a rule to encourage festivitiesz special occassionsz i think the word auspice and auspiceous themes?z might be inclusive though the NEED TO TAKE A BREAK and REST at LEAST a day a week or after ever so many hoursz this 1 commandment has been encryptedd and animal pharmedd into a question of what truely was is the sabbath given it might not be the day sunday with inclusion and comparioasons to the hindu or muslim? not sure 5 day week where the days yes have names though its more like a forever reoccuring camp itinery like community day auspicious works day something day the day punishment pays off day then some fifth day though yeah iv thinking sundauy sabbath and church essemblelysz attendance? it could of been that or maybe a more like vicroads office waiting communionsz rather then modern or of near last century speak easysz TRADiTiON has been mangledd in scope of every soul person on the planet doesnt all attend the same inversion of an Independance Day 1994?movie penthouse alien welcome OR a faultedd Jonestown SyrupSoup communion or a chilling at someones lowkey cool realist parentsz house smoking a mix a communion(nearlyHADeveryONEtheHOSTmainlyRESPECTiNGtrueBROTHERhoodANDnotSLAANESHEDdEVERYpotentialGirlfriendDENYiNGtheNECCESSiTYforEACHmemberOFourFiNiTEcircleEACHhaving1GirlfriendEACHthough yeah me shiF+1ng on once again ........ ?!take a bath day even iv moneys?z tight or resources?z are dwindleling my leige still allow for the shower at least once a week once a day in burst appendix marination sitcuate?! sorry not to answer correct anoughly ....... ==== = = ==== "Honor thy father and thy mother" ..this one ive been thinking is respect those you met first so like when i was a kid in primary school when on the weekend ringing up or getting home phone calls from a friend from school it was the insistedd rule and got understood id hope quick anough that iv someone invites you over to their house (at the time would of been to play computer or nintendo/super nintendo) it was taught rude that iv another person rang later and invitedd it was wrong to ditch on the first invitedd person/place to play with them though yeah.... ((animal pharm saying we shouldnt have these meetings?z anymore Napoleyon and mandela fozxtel documentry south park voice over so the fact the dvd is theftedd this youtube version may not be what i watchedd and others?Z read!!!!!! needsz more attention amnd prudence dan lacking knowledge dan1el you unvirtureous geometry thinking would educate me! ==== = = ==== "Thou shalt not kill" !!EAZY thou should never assault kill harm injure mutilate break destroy ruin force surgery duress needle puncturing nor incinerate shoot; run over; trample; sabotague; poison; nondisclose foods?z source conditions?z ingredients?z etc & not sure... 703pmFR1DAY202501101903/////// think there is psychiatric workers?/z here to nab me for attempting this helping someone typeing efforts?z! 704pm God(pm)time7=G;0=o;4=D=hence GOD time still have animal pharm cartoon on youtube playing in the background still 704pmFR1DAY20250110 now an advert came on piano&drum or percussion ... . . . . . . . ==== = = ==== "Thou shalt not commit adultery" oviously literally breaking someones heart mind spirit feelings threw cheat and polyagmy or any nonbfgf is adultery or paying tangibles or services removedd or instatedd like a bj to not evict a person or 8hr$ of head for a suction induction beyond a joke gluttony of the fact you are ment to only have one gf not a dual breach of more then one of ten though hurting the one thinking they were marriedd together with someone that gave all gives all more top the landlord or funny criminal then to the one loyal who loves and adores you and yeah ruining or hurting someone via LD criteria to do so is all adultery and not that of real should strive and foster gfbf=girlfriendboyfriend=marriage&GoodGodApproveddEquivYszEquivalentsz/////// ==== = = ==== DAN need more work and time and arguements?z!ergghhhh im trying to explain !?¿ "Thou shalt not steal" obviously without permission and or entitlement as long as the scenario isnt depraveing your rite to a cone of the communion communinoal mull a neccessity & ripping people off is thieveing also & as a youth i was chargedd with the charge in AustraliA or at least here in VictoriA this "theft by finding" that means iv you possess without permission of a tangible anything physical that has a name entity label on such stateing it belongs to or just the name on it that counts as theft.. ((i could writemore about this charge & how it came to be though¿ ==== = = ==== "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" !!just FALSE WiTNESS = Lieing & claiming you seen something you didnt or heard something you didnt & psychiatry has wrecktdd it for alot of people with the criteria that like a martyr issueing the death warrent a witness sighter claiming in their judgement a person is unwell~ well youd hope they are prudent tempormental wise all that virtue for the allowedd for legally treatments/z in this reality of mental health inpatient addmission treatments?/z anyway you should not false witness lie in court or implement any of the thread and ungodly wrong wolf in lambwool adept occupation or standing degree uni-ly-non-ily-unless the this to be new and law doctor juris or juris doctor allowedd to make AustraliAn courtrooms/z like a freddie got fingeredd billy madison big daddy threadedd courtroom and youd hope never happens?/z as a prelude to another innocent jesus junkey as they classify or discriminate and tailor in society/community/country/streets/houses/commissions/homes/ with like false uneducatedd advice in denying the good$?¿ ~ ==== = = ==== "Thou shalt not covet" idk what this one has thievedd one of ten of the list though hmm? does it have to do with han solo chewy starwars stormtroopers?/z and space dust? or privateer (another space game) and tobacco ultimate and or brilliance? i should look it up though may have to now after time exactly now saysz 722pm and its still FR1DAY20250110-722pm-gtg check google!! heres a copy and paste from trusty google: People also ask What does thou shalt not covet mean? "You shan't covet" means that we should banish our desires for whatever doesn't belong to us. Never having enough money is regarded as a symptom of the love of money. Obedience to the tenth commandment requires that envy be banished from the human heart. ^^^^now this one i think has removedd swaptd and covertly like covid coveredd up a underpinning principle or virtue in order to vice it make it in lies unholy and like in truth innocent jesus being trialledd in a cousin to bumfights video backyard torture for being a pedoe though yeah the falsehood and other evils not just narc$ that liers/z useing reporting ophone hotlines/z to false witness lie and cause b$ all to help the jurys juris doctor to collage some photoshoppedd no modification history computer technitions?z say like jewish captives printing in equal like image and of quality with the known counterfeit fraud indicatetors?z being able to print usd$ for the germans? or some shiFt?! anyway anough of me i need to have a ciggy and yeah this reli8gious stuff even though i wantedd a vocation in teaching religious realsz realitysz and converting others?z to my religion movement cause pray no b$ and upCultire to cypher like a dimwelt anyhow one minute till 730pm best finish this now. ==== = = ==== !!alright know reader this is a first typeing attempt to write or help understand or at least brainwash myself with the google(20250110)'$ version or answer of what are the ten commandments in a list though yeah the time is now 730pm i best save it and ocd time stamp it resave the upload and add to site alright gtg 731pm OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 7:31pm Fr1day The 10th of January 2025 - D A N 1 E L . D A W S O N / D A N D E