9:51pm ~ seen the time before typeing in password to login and now it is 9:52pm 9:52pm ~ the time now and steam has its visual basic box with green not status though like such saying Updateing Steam... and Verifying installation... though i never let it finish ... ....... 9:53pm ~ the time now on February the 1st 2025 and yeah thoughts of the neighboursz that dont live there no more unfortuneately and yeah... 9:54pm ~ now the time is this and in the next minute it is the time that i associate or one of them to the ISS the international space station and usually ill post on facebook at this time saying "have one for those on the i.s.s." = a quote from my now dead mate James Dengerink 1980-2010 and yeah now it is 9:55pm ! 9:55pm ~ thinking i should maybe just save this text file and the upload it later or soon tonight though not sure iv i have the full motivation & also there was a few partysz going on at the start of my walk back here though for once i got a lift thankfully it must of been mum senseing my depression the feelingsz when not distractedd and or in the city meeting or waiting for my matesz in there.. 9:56pm ~ i best save this now and upload it tonight though i have to make the DEBT($)/Liabilite$ PORTFOLiO filesz! tonight hopefully !!!!! because!i rit in my notebook the ledgersz or txt filesz lists that i need to type and that anywaysZ! / / / / / 9:57pm ~ alright ill finish here and save it !