238am ~ hey its like 20ish minutesz since i first got back from the station that i touchedd off @ 111am and yeah think it took me 66 or 60 something minutesz to complete the from touch off at station platform time to here on the back porch though yeah anough of me ive at least had me recovery glass of milk and thinking of going outside to have some ciggy($[[computer crashedd for a near minute or at least was 240am now 241am]]) and a can of V (500mL1) anywaysz anough of me daniel d hopefully someone helpsz out Jack F93 though yeah seen him in the city sorta homeless though yeah damn i didnt have one of my homeless pillowsz i make from secondary productsz in my salvage tobacco processing @ here the DFR1/// OCD'd T1ME 5TAMP: ==== = ============== 2:43am Wednesday February 19th 2025 - D A N D E !! correctedd@near508amWednesday20250219$ - D A N D E