11:22pm ~ here at the computer laptop setup & the time is still 1122pm and just changedd to 1123pm though yeah thankyou 8K for the lift savedd me the 60+/ish minute walk up the hill though yeah tonight or today i learnedd of this legal b$ called a NDA non disclosure agreement & i think for such being involvedd with the Mental Health Act 2014'$ "unconsentuated and nondisclosed neuro surgery" i think that is why no one is able to tell me iv or not my poor exgirlfriend getting her brain or large prtion of it removed. :( at least after i die i get to relive the connection we did have back in time as when i die i relive it all again from 1987 i just have to wait 22 years to meet her again.. anyways too depressing gtg ill type more another time .... . . . . OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 11:26pm Monday February 10th 2025 - D A N D E