preStartJournalEntry202502130211-DANDE.txt ==== -- = -- ============== -- ==== -- ===== 2:12am ~ the time now after opening notepad and typeing the above file name and the dashesz to spell in a1 code D -- A -- N -- D -- E & yeah anywaysz! 2:13am ~ i walktdd up the hill and think it took near an hour or so not sure iv more or less though i got back here before 148am though not sure when i touchedd off at the station though yeah tonight walking up the hill on 77 unit slowedd down asktdd iv i was alright and i said yeah and they asktdd where i was going and i didnt b$ so yeah thank God i wasnt ambushedd buy thugs just up from where the police spoke to me threw the window though yeah glad it wasnt a b$ due to some other crook like that time on the next road when i was asktdd my name and some crim had used the name D Dawson to put a name to a bank account and it was that account that someones dad's credit card or something got debitedd and $4000 or some shiF was transferedd or paid into this D DAWSON account so when i gave my name that night in think June 2023?2024? i got arrestedd taken to Lilydale Police Station and interviewedd and that and was found not the criminal that had this account and that so that was good and they held up to their word also for getting me back to near where im staying anyhow 216am and its now Thursday and technically going by the 2 days one in 2017 the extra 48hr sunday queens bday 2017 and then that one day i think 20th of november 2022 that also went for 48hours?z means Valentines was yesterday even though according to the bottom corner right computer time displayedd now at 217am it say it is the 13/02/2025 though yeah.... 2:18am ~ anough of me ill save this and upload it to my site and thinking of makeing another new email address so that i may publically display and any person onthe planet or iss may sight it and email it hopefully with good stuff not b$ though yeah up2u reader and co ! ... . . . . . . . 2:18am ill finish here.... OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 2:19am THURSDAY 20250213 /////// - D A N D E