preStartJournalEntry202501030155-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = the cut from this template notepad file/ all the typeing that was already savedd in this usedd to be another .txt file (and the savedd one is still xzystant on hardrive of this setup hopefully im pretty sure unless or untill the remote hacker($) team to delete or destroy or change it ! anyway here is the pastedd typeingsz!: ==== = ============== ==== ===== 2025after2024number000003file-DANDE(.txt The 3rd ( & maybe 1st 2025after2024file that i need to type on/in after January1st2025 as right now is 1:49am Tuesday November 26th 2024 - D A N D E and yeah the time when startedd this preStartJournalEntry was at 155am Friday the 3rd of January 2025 and in respect and prompting ocd from such time (1:55) it makes me think of r.i.p. James Dangerink's quote and non joke "HAVE ONE FOR THOSE ON THE iSS" meaning have a cigarette and a drink from a can or bottle (most of the time was alwaysz alcohol though the saying isnt limiting you to such))) though yeah because iv such place / space station did xzyst then due to high orbit and the 1dea of "weightlessness" astronaut$ arent able to have a ciggy or can of drink whilst up there apparently so yeah thatsz i guess the essense or extent of the joke/respect to those up there and im not sure iv himor othersz or both did suggest that such a place (the iSS) is really code for where ghostsz go after a human or equivy die..... so yeah... anough of me daniel d 1 2 3 .... . . . . DANDE OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 2:01 AM - FR1DAY THE 3RD OF JANUARY 2025 - D A N D E