preStartJournalEntry202501032234-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = 10:34pm ~ here at the DFHRiv-1 & i need ciggysz! .......and i should go have a can of V or coca cola once get some!!! 10:35pm ~ going to go and try and find iv i am able to get some ciggysz sooner rather then later, 10:35pm ~ brb ....... 10: ||1:52AM-NOW-SATURDAY-20250104-153AM& yeah here i am at the computer keyboard again after spending about 2 hours almost writeing only 12 pages of half b4 size scan size so yes in some pages from one of those currently yellow exercise booksz though yeah the time is 2minutes from 155am ISS time and yeah again i have to mention the quote of late r.i.p. James Anthony Dangerink 1980-2010 that being "have one for those on the iSS" and yeah meaning a lit ciggy and can of drink i best finish my now warm V and the ciggysz i got hopefully last me past the morning today in a few hoursz though yeah i heard some noise of people not too far away must be teens chilling near the school or something drinking or giving 10 tens?/z~ the heartache being from who are is that getting spoilt like paranoid psychlink told me not so as much as my instinct wrong faultedd sense id hope is the case... and yeah now 156am and im at the DFHRiv-1 and i wonder what the rest of tonihgt holds??z who knows?z i best have my medsz the two 20mg olnazapine odt$ to keep to my side of the bargain that got me off the CTO a few years?/z ago now and with zero hosptialiseations/?/z addmissions?/z into Maroondah or any psychward i think since 2018 when i was arrestedd for stalking this nurse from the psychward that after finding bones of a human that i think according to psychlink suggest said that she at 5years old or something was doing this now dead redrumed dude bed pan for hin on a chair or something some shiF anyways i put letters in her letterbox guessing where she livedd thinking ti was two streets away and then when i approachedd for her the first time to her work not the hosptial though this gift shop warehouse thing i was writeing on cards before and preludeing along the walk and yeah once got there before getting there was thinking i was going to marry her or something so wantedd the cards tolook back on some time in this inmagineary future relationship though yeah got there sightedd her and some dude and like when i was a young kid blameing everything on camel once i seen an actualy real cmael i shut up and never said it was camel ever again as the camel in my head was i think some acid bubble sticker green and orange camel sticker to the wall of the toilet (as i used the toilet at befcore 3yo) and it appirition styles?z made animation and like in a cliche movie communicatedd to me it was just a plaswtic sticker though yeah that ?ghost i was blameing any and all mischief and anything asktd of me who did this and yeah solike i sightedd this girl woman i thought i was going to marry and completely bailedd on the 1dea and with the dude nearby he startedd threatning me and i ditchedd the set of cards i had writen at the rocks out the front of this workplace and then forfeitedd in relization im insane and it wasnt herthough yeah before this monrning when this happnedd i was getting psychlinks that she was hooking up with an 86 i knew and giving gobbysz or something though me hearing it thinking i was going to marry her this is before the ditch morning and later arrest in ftg though yeah pity though at least one of the boysz that got spoilt or girtedd i think diedd last year or the year before a shame as he an 86 and im an 87 and he wasnt a full shiFgo towards?z me anywaysz he was more matesz with others?/z though yeah rko didnt like him for the one party i think at sarahs parents place though for idk he punchedd him for openinga cocacola bottle after everyone loosenedd it and i was his mate right and at the time my psychocolgy and thoughts feelings was like "hmm yeah he deservedd that" though i didnt know what it was he was doing behind my back it took the death of another person the dad of a girl i really likedd after and before primary school or kinder even that disappearedd even though she livedd next door though i think the ghost of her dad wordedd me up in psychlink and meditatiative thoughts that io was doggedd by those i respectedd underdesrveingly anyhow im the shiF k#nt im going to didtch and yweah the time is now 5minutesz past 2am SATURDAY night here in CENSOREDd up the hill... OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 2:06 AM - SATURDAY - 202501040206-///-/////// D A N D E