preStartJournalEntry202501092250-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = 10:51pm ~ here at the computer/laptop/monitor/wireless keyboard & mouse setup and needing to tidy my room... 10:51pm ~ gtg brb soon .... . . . . 11:03pm ~ going for a ciggy . ... ..... 11:14pm ~ going for another few and can of V... i also typedd a brief non b$ about Jesus ill have to make this notepad .txt file into a .html file to be able to add a link to it here or i could keep it as a .txt file and copy n paste the contents?z below though yeah now 1115pm i gtg have this ciggy?$ and v ... ....... 11:16pm ~ brb in few minutes?z! 11:35pm ~ gtg again and have this salvagedd tobacco mini race horse ciggy then ill come back and copy n paste this msg i sent some people and posteddon my facebook ....... 11:36pm ~ brb ..... 11:43pm ~ just had that cig and ziplock baggedd both ashtrays contents the raw input$ of ciggy butt$ towards the ziplock communial ashtray$ sourcedd salvage tobacco raw input$ for another person though yeah.... 11:44pm ~ i know i keep typeing saying ill do this copy and paste though just still tidying wakeing up and replensishing myself though yeah intend to get to it tonight hopefully b4 midnight! 11:44pm ~ 11:45pm it just turnedd over to on the corner of screen microsoft computer time/clock ... ....... 11:48pm ~ here is the copy and paste below: Daniel Dawson 38m ยท Shared with Public Jesus got killed because the people in charge at the time were sinners/z & the only means/z in reality to kill an innocent person is by others/z sinning like liers/z & false witness sinner$/z and badhoods/z etc ....... I'll copy and paste this into a .txt file & hopefully upload it to the site... And with the Jesus returning Bible information it has been animal pharmedd and the truth is iv we as people choose to sin lie etc there will be another human innocent that gets killed forced surgery hurt only and all because of people sinning. Like bane booths/z in texas OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 11:48pm Thursday 20250109$ - D A N D E