preStartJournalEntry20250115-Znd1-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = 6:33pm = prompts?/z! my memory how after purchaseing and selling different amounts of units of shares in a tv company i finishedd with just 100 shares of this one particular company and due to the share price being 20cent$ it was just an unorthadox?$20.00c AUD hgolding of sharesz & then psychlink thoughts?/z in my mind made me think that this company was going to give a 4cent dividend so i thought oh yeah 20cent purchase 4cent div only 16cent cost and only max six months into the investment so i then invest and thrown over a thousand some $1100 or something at it to purchase i think ?# anough to make the 100 units into 6321 units/shares though as there was still turmoil with this particular company they consolidatedd the outstanding shares and made every 10 into 1 so i got my 6321 shares made into a nice of them roundedd up 633 shares though yeah after more time month or so not sure they endedd up delisting the public available to invest in shares and i got a letter in the mail saying this: " nil " consideration per share so yeah after all that i got NOTHING! anyhow should be typeing about my dad having anxiety real bad in the morning in the city and how i seen a mum of at least two kidsz that were in my primary school year and my younger brothersz though yeah was nice talking i being unskilledd socialable sorta made it awkard though alass doesnt really matter though yeah waiting from like 10 something till near 1 or past then i think then mishedd with a mate on another private mission that not sure iv fruitedd and or is of calling it ?or?not?mission complete like in red alert command & conquer though yeah now tangenting to finance$z! i hope im never put on state trustee$ i currently owe the bank nothing i havent dippedd into my overdraft yet and have got it repaid fully and other then maybe going into bank debt due to new fee$ or inactivity dorment acount fee$ does the chance that ill be in bank debt though yeah aside the bank$ i still owe my parentsz and GrandParentsz and Auntiesz and Unclesz and some cousinsz and yes friendsz also ~ i owe them all money or something tnagible not just the falledd completely behind on birthday and christmas present giveing gifting though yeah.... OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 6:43pm Wednesday January 15th 2025 - D A N D E