preStartJournalEntry202501151620-DAMN1T-7L-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = 4:20pm ~ i sorta hate 420 for the wrongness connection to the 1111 and 1111 with a family friend and exnieghbour spikedd to give a i thought friend for too many years?/z head for the 12 consecutive hoursz the villanry of no good. 4:21pm ~ way better as its not 214 bad and is 421 4you and the numbersz assignedd to me and sarah and fiunnily anough my 4th was also another Sarah and funnily anough again my 4th a Sarah B and my 21st Sarah and after marrying beoing bfgf with Tommy she is now a Sarah B !!! how cool!!!~ 4:22pm ~ just at a public library typeing and yeah feel second classing snitches/z mor false reporters/z being wretchedd and badhood :( 4:23pm ~ anyhow i came here with the intent to type up these 9 pages of notebook writtingsz content and maybe make 2 .txt files this one the 3rd and just one .html file though yeah i could usb or upload not sure though yeah.... 4:24pm ~ DBD and the end of the connecting street / where b$ happens/z): 4:243pm ~ is still the time and yeah i owe 60cent$ to that industrial relations?/z staff woman that was working the one particular day who i think let me and my mates girlfriend print one page that may have had colour in on it and yeah not sure how many months years this was ago though defeinetaly before 2025.... 4:25pm ~ this 425 arrangement i hope is a girl girlfriend that is that of Sarah ((edit::add:in:434pm:STATURE & has to love me like sarah did 100% even iv the chances of dateing were statedd at the start before "together" only 70% though yeah nothing i would change includeing her age so she sorta has to be older then me defsz i think so!))435pm edit::dande status or stastics the criticial measure and measurements not a mm or mL id change that sory of perfect though yeah getting extremely hard when im the behemonth and hideousizm defienately side on and most good looking girlsz even iv single either have been popedd by my not friend ever even when i thought we were the out of sensory advantage createing and leverageing false derogatorysz with his "element of doubt" that makesz all those that half nute and non organic magnetizm ceasedd xyztsant in al basedd on decision and closedd circuits though b$ roidsmith b$ anyhow its now 428pm i best finish this here and save it after ocd time stamping below!! OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 4:28pm Wednesday January 15th 2025 - D A N D E