preStartJournalEntry202501310142$-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = i forgotten the time it was when i begun this .txt file though i typedd it above so yes the time startedd this even though right now iss 428am and was just 427am it was startedd at 142am a minute missedd for one 141 person, ... ....... anyhow anywaysz im typeing pointless b$ that needs to have more substance to read otherwise like how my life has been aside having part communionsz i am boreing and not even attracting slaters?z i would wantsz skin in my mouth and or girting (me) moreso though yeah im nbot dawso or a blosa madrid though yeah kvt usedd to say something flying over or passing over or driveing over into or moving off grid or something i cant remmeber the exact english wordingsz of the neccessary quoteation she had said more then once when i used to sit with her in her car and drive to and from dandenong or heatherton road in the era i was having to only have this such priviledge when on leave from the psychiatric long stay at dandenong hosptial this b$ calledd S.E.C.U. securedd extendedd care unit a six month dry and off everything *the 1 phone call to dad and a failedd attempt of getting into this advicedd and advocatedd good game that was sorta just couldnt move threw the first level or whatever though was BALDERS GATE II i think though yeah anyhow ........ ....... DAN ! ..... ........ three minutes?z past 4am its less then half an hour till 5am think not the 22 as the disaprove or not into the neededd feet tickleling equivalent iv not desensitizedd though to date no kfc or further advance threw the doorsz other then that once in 2005 or 2006 when i said in the booth foyer "i have no intention to pay" as i was always/z broke at the time and not sure iv i was on centrelink or not though yeah i thought it was year 12 though couldnt of been year 11 could it 2004? the year of mel? no way! though God knowsz! 435am FR1DAY 20251031 - D A N D E OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 435am FR1DAY 20251031 - D A N D E