$-LargeDebt$&Liabilitie$-statement-for-Portfolio-June2024.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = - = = = = = - = = = = = = = = = = = = LARGE DEBT($) & LiABiLiTiE$: = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = * $2,000.00c AUD - the remains to transfer/pay in order to have paid all of the $21k Sarah pledge money for loving me (& to help with her RACV debt $ * $5,000.00c AUD - plus more ! mY debt i have with mum that i pay a bonus incentive of 3cent$ per $10 interval of exact money owedd and $5k = $15 pfn for free!! * $6,000.00c AUD - this keyboard money $ the $6k gets convertedd into a danbank bond and ill be paying $6 per fortnight free interest equivy bonus money $ for the in past outlay /// ($ that after this final $80 so $360 financial year fairness adjustment addition has been paid the inflatedd $3500 from 2001/02?=$6704.14c AUD accountedd for!!!!!! * $1,766.25c AUD - the remainder of the Venusian Temple UFTG Shell now Reddy will be OTR service station revenue pledge for supersitious reasons?z!///// * $1,000.00c AUD (or just $971.00c AUD after i sell this 1983 fifty cent coin to Allison) - the neededd extra to make a larsenedd $9k become a compensative $10k for a persian rug ruinedd back i think in 1990?1989?1991?who knows?/z!///// * $1,000.00c AUD - revenue for the Sassafras Oracle crystal shop for currupting a crystal prizm pillar inside a locktd cabinet with an adultist thought ... . . . . . . * $1,000.00c AUD - an allowance of $pend$ to spend on gift$ for othersz iv and only iv i finally get out of debt with everyone on the planet monatorically wize . . . . . . * $1,000.00c AUD - this thinking of allowing for one thousand AustraliAn dollar danbank bond money $ that ill call this Foundation Thousand to maybe make the keyboard $6k into $7k so then ill instead of paying $6 per week ill pay the $14 per fortnight to provide a income creek or payment to accommodate a $1.00c AUD per day spending of unearn$?/z!!!! * $1,000.00c AUD - the $1000 i owe Granny isolatedd or $500 and mum $500 along with that Christmas 2023 deck of JPS reds 23sz! * $1,000.00c AUD - a thousand dollarsz i need to save in order to faciliate another commsec sharesz purchase that im thinking just go with 40 WBC asx ordinary shares @ $24.75c AUD each * $12,000.00c AUD - the total 40 payments of $300.00c AUD that i failedd to make after i got my rent assistance cut beforehand though was still needing to make $300 per fortnight payment even without the rent assistance hence how i clocktdup this debt that sorta may go towardsz that idea or accounting that had me oweing you Dad something near or over $87?k near $100k though this file is the full comprehesive debt lsit of all $1000&+more debt$ that i may think of createing this .txt file !... . . . . * $?5,000.00c AUD unknown correct amount or what it got up to though ... - The Super Market Debt Offset Leverage Debt Amount before 2024?2025 * ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? * $ THE REGiFTMENT AMOUNT$ THAT i OWE BOTH SETS OF GRANDPARTENT$ & OTHER REALATiVE$ AND FAMILY FRiENDSZ!!!!!!! - D A N D E OCD'd T!ME STAMP: 2:dd AM - MONDAY2024061002dd