NOTjustMONEYdebt$-A20240905-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Gayle Dawson - ?$ unsure¿ TomMac - a harley quinn poster Daniella Burns - that jewish star unfunny joke about eftpos inplant Mel Cogan - those few hpbd-paintFiLE($) Shaun Maston - ?a few or 4 ciggy$z! & envelope & card with $ [ $20(Christmas2023/24) ] Melissa Robbins - a large pizza or equiv & $ Steve & Wendy - that slab of corona$ & $6pa every June unless the $100 danbank bond money $ repaid seperate Paul Charteris - a usedd to be $7 spicey nut$ and cashew$ assortment from ?Cole$ and ???? James Fry - that Tibetian Silver 1 Troy Ounce capsuledd small bullion & salvage batche$ Luke McIntosh - that 9999 silver moon ounce coin (after i get that $20(?&70$?????so?$90max Caroline Jones - that card & envelope with a CJ $5 banknote inside Huon Duong - that card & envelope with a HD $20 banknote inside Katie Kalten/Fulton - that card & envelope with a KK serial $20 banknote inside Dennis Whinehouse? - that one can of 500mL V (preferably cold!!! Ian Marcus's Mate - that one can of Mother 500mL and 3 Winfield Blue ciggy$z! Hailey Owen - that one black obsidian stone semi-precious that i should get from ORACLE Sanela - her portable usb charger unit & (AlphAmike) Kiki / Kiara K? - the one litre bottle of bickford'$ cranberry juice Zack S (DRCH87's camera m8) - an ocean spray bottle of cranberry juice & $10 fuel Jonelle Pugsli - those 5 billson can$ (or equivalent) The Conners household - six mars bar$ Tim Baker - 13 maxi bic lighter$ Nathan Everist - ?$ unsure iv i owe money or not?$!& Brodie Everist - a pizza shout @ least ! !!! !!!!! Patrick Tale - a ten dollar banknote tribute & ?$ R.i.p. Maris Tale - those 2 or 1 deck of Longbeach 40s Lee Homewood - those two tins of Wee Williams cigarillo$ & an issue of RollingStone magazine David Homewood - me paying for 2 domino$ value pizza$ (1forMe 1forHim) & that NYC book & $ Nicola Blumenthal - the two pieces of plywood for alternative canvasse$ Heath Armstrong - that one bottle of alcohol of his choice & the GPAraconcile44&non219b$ Colleen Cahill - this December $6 and the $100 danbank bond money $ Martin Cahill - this December $12 & the $100 danbank bond money $ & the roast chickhen & fancy bread & Sofia's margaretta pizza Stephen & Michelle - that fish 'n chip$ order of 4 flakes 4 potato cake$ & min or $4 of chip$ Jason Cahill - that $50 for 2nd hand shoe$?though iv not some gift valuedd @ $50.00c AUD !!!!!!! Sofia La Genet - a flower or something for spilling that cocacola that exhibition night @ her place. Kimberley Tirant - her nintendo gameboy & singer sewing machine & part$ unit also & (AlphAmike) Allen Fletcher - his one can of his favourite bourbon that hopefully is coveredd with the $10 i gave to Kimberley// Ross Kenneday - aside the $344.90c AUD ?2021/22? for Berwik Dinner with me & Sarah there is the HAMPER2002-2018/17 James Mottram - the money amount he paid me to help work/labour @ his dad's place for the day & epic failed Paul Agostinello - a mt d or equiv large pizza to share & the mt franklin miniture bottle toy/model & that Ned Kelly $1,000,000 banknote & $ Steve Smith - ?$ & ?????for putting me up and letting me work sorta with him and his matesz/crew & 711 smoke$ & pie$ etc . . . . . . . Jessica Robins (Allison & Erin's mum) - that $1000+?$ to make the waiveredd $9k into $10k .... . . . . The Venusian Temple UFTG - $1,723.74c AUD still to go to reach/have paid $8k revenue for that particular shell servo... The Oracle Sassafras - at least $1000 maybe $2000 store credit for gift$ for other$z! Niall Connor - ? Richard Wallace - ?a toilet roll