DOLLAR$-202406052312-$-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = * $179.60c AUD ~ to absolve the two $100 danbank bond money $ that xzyst already apart from the corona slab !!!!!! * $201.00c AUD ~ the neededd money to secure the ELDAR VYPER JETBiKE model store paintedd quality paintedd from off my other neighbour ~ LUKE $... ...... * mY pARENT$ ?$ $ $$$$$ * $18.28c AUD ~ the neededd currency or goods to such value need to be deliveredd to Granny R.I.P. Pop astat ! * and then afterwards?/z! only think about making a tree into a toilet neccessity?cut the crap DANIEL !!!////// * mayeb also deliver the west melbourne suppliment$ and maybe the GlenWaverlyLineAssortment also though yeah up2u DANIEL !!! !!!!!! * 2nd WEST MELBOURNE SUPPLiMENT$ - THE TOILET ROLL & SOMETHING FOR SOFiA FOR SPiLLING THE GLASS OF COCA-COLA; * THE HOLMESGLEN RESiDENT$ iS CURRENTLY OFF LiMiT$ AS i THiNK THE PERSON STiLL HATES OR AT LEAST DiSLiKE$ ME ! * ALREADY DONE THE MOST CURRENTLY DELiVERY OF SALVAGE TOBACCO TO ONE JAMES FRY THOUGH ANOTHER BATCH AGAiN iN THE FUTURE!! * FROM $5,609.99c AUD into $5,692.99c AUD and $5,692.98c AUD (20240503) that now today right now is only $5,000.00c AUD that is pretty good DANIEL * DAN !!!!! DANIEL !!! !!!!!! OCD'd T!ME STAMP: ==== = ============== W e d n e s d a y 2 0 2 4 0 6 0 5 2 3 1 6 /