!-the-pizza-list-A20241126-1.txt ==== - = - ============== - ==== - ===== * i am to pay the $14 for two $7 dominos value pizza$ one for me and one for Dave RC H 87.... * i am also ment to purchase an equivy to Mt D large $17 pizza with dave and share it with ourselvesz! * i owe Paul A A87 a large Mt D equivy pizza for me to pay for and us to share together/eat half each or whatever....... * i also still owe Mel(Melissa) a pizza and not sure exactly though ive been recording it as also an equivy to a mt D large $17 pizza ! !!! !!!!! * then not sure whombelse? though feeling that i owe Ryan P B87 also a pizza tribute? * not sure whombelse other than my borther his girlfriend or parents mum iv on her card!!! * i think i also owe the Everist$ at least one pizza and also the Tales and more familysz the finite few though yeah.... * think thats all owedd from debt pizza relatedd debt$ not the fact that in an heavenly ideal world i should at least have one pizza with everyone i know at least once!!!! * thats it dan just save it there and add it upload it and link it to the current debt portfolio you are trying to produce OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 8:39$pm TUESDAY 20241126 - D A N D E