!-the-three-money-$-debt($)-20241126-1-UNDER-$100-AUD$.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = $0.00c AUD ~ $99.99c AUD ==== = ============== ==== ===== $0.01c AUD - CANNON MY STEPNEPHEW... $22.11c AUD - GRANNY TRAiLiNG FiNANCiAL$ THAT i NEED TO REPAY iN ORDER TO MAKE THE $200.00c AUD REGiFTMENT PAYMENT$ MADE STiLL ACTUALLY $200.00c AUD TOWARDSZ SUCH!!! $90.00c AUD - FOR GRANNY iN ORDER TO CATCH UP TO BE UP TO DATE THiS CHRiSTMAS 2024 and then another $5 per month every month starting again January 2025 !!!!!! $12.00c AUD - UNCLE MARTiN $6.00c AUD - AUNTiE COLLEEN $6.00c AUD - the next door neighboursz! $20?or?$100 - RHiANNiAN BRiMMS and or her magnamese friend for i think petrol so i was able to get home or to knox? to?meet?katie!??? this was November 2002 !!!!!! $20.00c AUD - NATHAN EVERiST (2000/2001) = ?$ $20.00c AUD - JEREMY GRANT (2000/2001) = ?$ $15.00c AUD - PAT TALE (2000/2001) = ?$ (and i also need to give Pat a $10 banknote for just tribute like on CiV II ! $30.00c AUD - TOM BAKER (im ment to deduct from the inflatedd amount this ?$43.20c AUD?$ that i paid Daniel Clark on his behalf as Daniel thought Tom owedd him..... $20.00c AUD - PAUL AGOST (2017/2018) - i should be able to inflate this amount to the most recent financial year allowed the previous to current so yes trailing 1... $20.00c AUD - MEL(MELiSSA ROBBiNS (2003/2004) = ?$ ((though i think i may owe like hundreds?z ?$1000s?/z!??? idk !!!!??? $50.00c AUD - NAY ADDERSON (?2004/2005?) & i OWE HER A $200?$250.00c AUD SHOPPiNG SPREE ALSO !!!!!! $10.00c AUD - KATiE KALTEN/FULTON FROM ? ANY YEAR FROM 2005-2010?$! !!! !!!!! $10.00c AUD - TiM PRiCE - NOVEMBER 2014 $11.00c AUD - ALEXANDRA CASSiDY iN THE FiNANCiAL YEAR OF 2023/2024 i THiNK ! ??? !!!!! $50.00c?AUD - DAViD HOMEWOOD ?do i still owe this?! $10.00c AUD - ZACK SiGERMAN ~ ten dollars fuel tribute & that bottle of cranberry juice ! $63.00c AUD - ADAM iNGAMELL$ (20024/2025) = ?$ $65.00c AUD - DOUG DAWSON (?2024?2025?) = ?$ $22?or?$122 - PARENTSZ iN RESPECT TO THE FAiRNESS ADJUSTMENT PAYMENT$ THAT WERE MENT TO BE TWO $61 PAYMENT$ THOUGH THiS $100 FiNE MEANS ONLY $22 NOT $122 !!!!!! $99.00c AUD - iN ORDER TO MAKE NAB'$ 311 into 410 !!!!!!! $95.00c AUD - iN ORDER TO MAKE BANKViC'$ $105 become a level $200.00c AUD !!!!!!! $? $201.00c AUD - ? Luke S next door for that ELDAR VYPER JETBiKE STORE PAiNTEDd AND ON A STAND ! !!! !!!!!