$1,000,000.00c AUD ~ The amount of money i said i'd pay my Godmother's son in the future iv i had it &*. $24,589.13c AUD ~ The $10,000.00c AUD 1989?1990?! Persian Rug ?compinsation&inflatedd to the 2023/24 financial year! $12,000.00c AUD ~ The total of missedd & arearedd rent($300)payments due to Rent Assistance stopping b4. $10,000.00c AUD ~ The danbank bracer$ bond money $ (after ive repaid $427 b4 NYE2024/25)&$50pm-Jan2025+. $6,000.00c AUD ~ The danbank keyboard bond money $ and i've been paying $30 per month to parent$ still. $x,189.95c AUD ~ The amount of debt & regiftment additive i owe my Mum & pay 3cent$ a f/n per $10 debt. $1,950.00c AUD ~ The remaining money neededd to be paid to Sarah in order to have given her $21k worth. $1,723.74c AUD ~ The Venusian Temple Shell UFTG Revenue Pledge Left (could be $1,715.24c AUD)20240919$. $1,000.00c AUD ~ The min (or $2k max?!) of certain money amount to spend on gift$ from the Oracle shop. $1,000.00c AUD ~ The thousand dollar danbank bond money $ that i owe Granny or owe Granny $500 and Mum $500 seperate to all other debt$z!. $???.??c AUD ~ ????/???? not sure whomb exactly though i owe tribute and reGiftment to some other family friend$z! familie$z! $500.00c AUD ~ 2024/2025 CBA & THE OVERDRAFT MAX CREDiT LiMiT THAT i MAY OVERDRAFT AND USE BANK FUND$ WHEN NOT MY OWN.... $???.??c AUD ~ ????/???? THe like reGiftment amountsz inflation neededd for fairness returnedd money & or gift$ for the A#### $350.00c AUD ~ 2007/2008 AFROZA (&iPAiD NiDGEcO $421.99c AUD in?2014?15?16?& with him saying he would 100% cover it all.... $???.??c AUD ~ ????/???? THe like reGiftment amountsz inflation neededd for fairness/return AUD$ & or gift$ for Mick&Angie Croft$ $344.90c AUD ~ 2021?2022? ROSS KENNEDAY (a $300 dinner with me & Sarah that i didnt even want & i owe the hamper to his parent$z still . ... ..... $250.00c AUD ~ 2009/2010 CHARL ViViER$ $250.00c AUD ~ unknown financial year after 2004/2005 though NAY ADDERSON shoping spree & $50 cash loan sepreate on debt... $250.00c AUD ~ 2011/2012 The maximum amount of compensation money $ to pay Adam Timms with for when me & Sarah used & may of wrecktdd his tent... $100.00c AUD ~ 2002/2003 The either $100 or $20 given to me for money to get home after a weekend gathering party i went to in NOVEMBER 2002... $???.??c AUD ~ 1989/1990 The absolute earliest that Doug found a tin with $40+ of coin$ inside that me and him got half each of back in?1989?1990?! $???.??c AUD ~ ????/???? There are more debt$ that i havent addedd her that i think are all under a $100.00c AUD so yeah ill type a seperate list for them... $100.00c AUD ~ danbank bond money $ iO Martin Cahill and $6 arearedd and another $6 every december iO the danbank bond money $100.00c AUD$ &*** $100.00c AUD ~ danbank bond money $ iO Colleen Cahill and $6 every december iO the danbank bond money $100.00c AUD$ $100.00c AUD ~ danbank bond money $ iO Steve&Wendy and $6 every June that iO the danbank bond money $100.00c AUD$ & a corona slab $ $ THE REGiFTMENT AMOUNT$ $ THE MiSSEDd ALPiNE BOARD PAYMENT$ THAT HAD STARTEDd AFTER THE $300 RENT ASSiSTEDd CEASEDd TOTAL UNKNOWN ?!!!