
| | | | AnAttemptOfAllMyFREEMASONRYhistory2date2024-1.html | | |

!was495byte$b4typeingTHIShere.... . . . .

! So to begin with i first approachedd the doors and enterance of the i thought or think is the only known to me address and location of a Masonic Lodge the one in BELGRAVE near the all girls highschool MARTA CHRiSTi back in the year of 2009$..

The helpfull men older citizens or males of age after me declareing that i come in the name of my psychlinktdd Grandmother's maiden name they were all real eager to help me and got out im guessing a king james version or other text of the bible and pointedd out the 133,000 and 144,000 count bit and cnat really remember what they were saying other then that number was the count of those includedd in this lodge or ?connectedd?story?idk ANYWAY thankyou

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!! i think i read the book THE LOST SYMBOL after being suggestedd to read it (a 500 or so many pages thick dan brown novel) from another near year equivalent though an 88 one S Lindsey though yeah i read it at Sarah's mum and her bf's (Asta's dads) at the same address me and the tattooedd Mel rentedd back in 2004 though yeah me and Ssarah were camping there near the creek on their property and during that time i managedd to read the entire 500 pages plus? of this one book and i think it still is the last book ive read since then and that was i think year of 2012...