iNSTEAD OF CALLiNG / SAViNG THiS FiLE AS THE LONG LETTERiNG BELOW i THiNK i SHOULD JUST SAVE iT AS: LiST-FROM-VOLUNTEERiNG-20241120-21-DANDE.txt A-LiST-OF-THE-STUFF-i-GOT-FOR-FREE-EARLiER-TONiGHT-VOLUNTEERiNG-HELPiNG-MY-MATE-DEFRAG-HIS-UTE-TRAY.txt LiST-FROM-VOLUNTEERiNG-20241120-21-DANDE = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = * a unsure iv worksz or not seams to be 40watt light bulb frostedd * a sik clean near brand new nice tin metal cabinet box thing for either keysz orsomething spezhill!!!!!!! * a trick or treat stake sign thing cardboard box savedd from the rubbish bin * a near brand new set or packet of a light?tube thing * some sparkler$ * a fluro-colouredd NiKE football cord bag thing.. * a needsz repair some button missing? though could maybe get working mintapecasette dictaphone * a fragment broken piece of circuitry to use as a meditation aid * another wire adjustment swivel thing like the lot of them i got last time * a mirabella? manual/manuel piece of paper * a mullie/vegetable grater/mix chopping kitchen of the ?80s?in packageing thing * and ????? * a toothpick though gotta ziplock in a sterile brand new ziplock the container and contents and return them today!