###CENSOREDd#### So I don’t mean this bad but are u diagnosed with something 04:50 You sent schizophrenia Chloe Chloe ###CENSOREDd#### Ok You sent since 2015/2016(SECU) before that Skitzo-affective disorder & before that Grandular Idealations?/z You sent was on a CTO for nearly or could bve over ten years Chloe Chloe ###CENSOREDd#### I fig You sent been to the psych ward at least 9 or 120 times?/z You sent 9or10 You sent and been injectedd against my will over 200 times You sent now off cto having olamnzapine tablets each night like i agreed when they took me off the order though yeah still on medication You sent just no more depot injections/z You sent anyhow let me know when youre here You sent up2u chloe You sent ☯️ Sent 1m ago re-typedd-up;editedd©Npastedd all before the minute after 455am Thursday20241107/// ///////- D A N D E