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Daniel's post
Daniel Dawson
2 days ago
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Danuit Church Order
2 days ago
A question to Atheists?/z!???
What governs?/z KARMA in reality?!
Daniel Dawson
2 d
Daniel Dawson
Psychlinktdd answers?/z/:
?sex drive?
?Laws of nature(physics)misspelt 1stly psychics!???
?criminology(psychology again)
?reward!?think that was it psychlinktdd though may have forgotten one psychlinktdd answer/respond damn it !
12:30am Thursday 20240609$
2 d
Daniel Dawson
Facebook promptdd: "Logic" ~ isn't that psychology again ? Or different ?$!???!!!
2 d
Daniel Dawson
May be an image of text that says "?ghost$? ?physic$? ?psychologyi 19m Like Reply Daniel Dawson Psychlinktdd answers?/z/: ?sex drive? ?Laws of nature(physics)misspelt misspelt 1stly psychics!??? ?criminology(psycholog again) ?reward!?think that was it psychlinktdd though may have forgotten one psychlinktdd answer/respond damn it OCD'd T!ME STAMP: 12:30am Thursday 20240609$ 11m Like Reply Daniel Dawson Facebook promptdd: "Logic"~ isn't that psychology again ? Or different ?$!???!!! Write a comment..."
2 d
!!i also gotta upload the exact screenshot photo/image thaT WAS COMMENTEDD ALSO TO add to the goodness of a start to an actual answer that aethists may help with