preStartJournalEntry202412010128-DANDE.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Anywaysz! here i am at the LFC again and thanksz to the good samaritan act of giving me a lift from the tourist rd up to near where my ex usedd to live savedd me a walk and the walking distance that would have ment i wouldnt still be here in halfa or an hour or something though yeah thankyou person "Nick" from further along up the hill though yeah aside that the time is now 130am and i told my mate ####CENSOREDd### to prompt me and remind me to do this facebook-contactsz-promptdd-iou-list so yeah best get onto it straight away true!? anyhow anough of me daniel d ... ....... D A N D E OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 1:31am Sunday December 1st 2024