preStartJournalEntry20241209$-2209$-DANDE.txt Now it is 1103pm and ive been outside smoking all my ciggysz (a pityfull 3) and psychlink/breatheing/talking to people that i dont know their faces?/z or ? and yeah windging misery. i just hope its delusions/z all this b$ about sarah getting forced neurosurgery proberbly a hack that i read about NMD at least apparently in the UK it has to be consentedd by the too be victim patient inpatient poor cunt in their psychwards/z| horrible shiF and thinking about human traffic again i think maybe that missing girl might be down the road in a shiFt house or some shiF = this information is all b$ right. im the dumb kunt that didnt learn to meditate at all and was told "your looking too far into things?/z" by those i thoiught were my friends/z just hatedd from me people i thought i knew getting head from these girls/z or just the $100 mission inductioners that tell their boyfriends/z its not cheating its the way humans society needs to eveolve or someshiF anough! hateing this shiF hopefully its schizophrenia though its just badhoodsz survive with police up[holding the law whenever they agree or not when it comes to certain nouns not being questions like a puddle of stifle choke water said to be a loving brothers upset tearws is this true? next its my dad running the same person though due to kanagroo jury and swaptd records or just hear say becoming juris doctor weightedd at magistrates b$ HATE YOU BAD KUNTS/Z. defruited caps lock turnedd itself off. im getting unwell because i fear sarah has been hurt for life and it was ?9>?years?z and however months AUgust 2015 and i think it has to do with the two stone laid by mayor or chancillors?/zsaying August 18th?19th and December13th both 1939$ onset of wwii and yeah this year december 13th is the friday the 13th so spooky me probs/z operatedd on for b$ to windge more. and yeah august date was the day me and sarah were told sarah wasnt to live with me anymore due to the arguement we were fighting all the time and too loud causeing domestic call outs from overload of bad noises yelling etc never assault and its the same calandar square my first pop died in 2017 just afteer turning 30 and me getting hit by a car the month before that i said to the psych team ten years prior from when i had a dream nightmare oif getting hit by a car the psychiatrist at the time just was like "youd be dead" and also i remember saying i had a dream not sure iv the same one though i said i was able to send paintfiles happy birthdays d?"digital?"happy birthday cards (in reality were fjust hpbd paintfilesz thougyh shes like no the internet hasnt those capabiolitys this is i think the yewar before or when facebook only just surdfacedd and (editAddIN: all that was known at the time was both MSN messenger/?hotmail & also the short?livedd that was known to people near times of myspace anyhow anough of me daniel d 11 was 1114 now 1115pm i better just save this upload and send mum this 6cent$ and also i have to mention the b$ over 2hours/z it took to get from Camberwell station to ringwood due to employees playing god the narc servents/z anyhow expect more of the rescue delays in future you badhoods/z and those good1sz that suffer because piolice keep them from being justly shamed iv not noiredd anyhow i dont know how karma or dharma and or legals fully work though no nerves in a locked presurgery ward is scary in a nightmare i hate the thought of living it like cermated aliove unless it was the end of a badhood i knew or knoew of & that only psychlink half say was the dude who assaultedd me the first time assualt bad concussion and bleeding and that age 15 though he went on to continue being a assaultist badhood and burned a friend in the boot of a car i think so that might be why he was illicitly killedd at the morgue or ?whenever it was cermatorium just some horrible scenes/z i seen in a drea or nightmare or daydream meditative thoughtor someshiF i cant remember though yeah anyhow 1118pm and todays CHAZ TRAIN DELAY MONDAY 20241209$ NEAR 5PM TILL NEAR 7PM finally get back to ringwood though yeah fropm the city and didnt mean for caps lock just typeing above the keyboard in the dark only illuminatedd partially the from monitor anyhow again anough is anough typeing daniel go to sleep adn pray its a good day tomoz and not vpol taking me to b$ world maroondah orsomewhere just as bad seaming the good staff are being thinned out wity the legal injustice-es/z not like greed kush waltWoolworths workers/z 2ndclassing and thieveing b$ or God knows/z anoughsorry i hope sarah is alright and wart witche/sz/z dont xzyst in reality OCD'd TIEM ASTMAP OCD'd TIME STAMP:_ ==== = ============== 11:21pm Monday 2024 12 09 $ - D A N D E editedd/addedd to before 1143pm Monday December 2024 & i cant be botheredd spell correcting alright sorry for the bad info iv it is all b$ i hope it is....;,