@311am loggedd into this coputer/laptop and clicktd the notepad shortcut to load up this to type in and i began typeing at 312am and yeah touchedd off at the station @ 206am and yeah walktdd up the hill again and yeah got that perturbator song BODY/PRiZON stuck in my head to override this other one i thought was a early mid 2000s RnV song though relizedd it was a maggottedd something else so had to snuff it anyhow now nearly quarter past three am in the morning and i think the first bus off the hill is at 750am though yeah right now is Saturday the 14th and yeah... Also my mate in the city was saying how he has been disenfranchisedd with what he has been doing so i gues its a bit widespread this depression as not only me and my mum though now my mate and my fears/z about my exgirlfriend Sarah ........ anyyhow anough of me daniel d though i want to add before i save and upload this to the site that i had this idea of making a new train line from UPPER FERNTREE GULLY threw under the mountainsz like bore a tunnel threw under it and make it come out at Monbulk and yeah have like a midway underground station near the what i call the 400 stepsz this landslided property 119 near 128 though inmagine a parliament like staircase or escalatorsz to get up to one tree or the tourist rd though yeah the primary goal is a trainline from UFTG station threw to MONBULK ... ....... OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 3:17am Saturday The 14th of December 2024 - D A N D E