preStartJournalEntry20241226-BOXiNG-DAY-'24.txt ==== = ======================= =================== =============== ============== Alright 12:39$pm Boxing day here at where im at physically location wize though yeah.... Upper Gully seams?z to be the only goal or destination for objective missions?/z today other then maybe city or ringwood though yeah not sure anyhow my auntie might or is coming over today tonight i need to get her a present though i think ill fail that mish damn it though yeah boxing day years ago mums side of the family usedd to on every year's boxing day the day after Christmas have a reunion/meet and due to multiple siblings the location place holding the get together alternatedd within alll the 8?9?# siblings?z and their respect8ive houses?z so it was as a kid at least injoiable and not like later teenage and start of twentiyth age intergers?/z isolatedd in my room too meek to venture out to a room full of relatives?z and only problem being my lack or nonxzystant social and or stablity conversation connectivity nonpresent though yeah anyhow right now the wind is picking up heaps?z and something just then dropptdd and broke i thinnk nearly an arguement startedd though yeah hopefully not though yeah must be harrp or multiple people looking at the site from overseas making the transmission plazma slink across the airwaysz from AustraliA to i think West Coast AmericA so like California or something though yeah reader you need to at least once see that photo of early 1900s or late1800s when the whole beach there had a line/row of oil dereck towering pumps?/z drilling and pulling up the "EARTH's BLOOD(fromKKND:AcomputerGame a m8 pat had in the 90s?/z i think 1995 or 1996 not sure though made me a selfish sewerslizm conclusionist and yeah there is another voice i cant quite recognize in the loundge or was in there or still is though yeah someone i may or may not know anyhow different though only happening due to the festicve season or maybe a tree fell i havent yet met all the newish neighbours?/z after others?/z have movedd on though yeah 1247pm anough of me i better check my ophone and see iv it is chargedd fully have a shower and that and hopeflly raise up the neededd $60 cash or $55 for 5520cent$ JPS 30s the cheapest they currently get @ i think 184cent equates per cig yes just one cigarette. no intention of quiting other then signing off this preStart....... OCD'd TIME STAMP: ==== = ============== 12:48pm THURSDAY (BOXiNG DAY) 20241226 - D A N D E