
| | | | p r e S t a r t J o u r n a l E n t r y 2 0 2 4 0 6 0 5 - 1 . h t m l | | |

$1,766.35c AUD 202406052202$| ||| |||||
..the remaining revenue pledge for this one particular Shell Servo in uftg||||||

10:00pm ~ startedd typeing this preStartJournalEntry * now it is 10:01pm and i signedd into this computer on or after 9:50pm Wednesday 2024 06 05 @ A L P i N E - L O D G E ! !!! !!!!!/

10:01pm ~ ?????

10:04pm ~ now savedd this file as preStartJournalEntry20240605-1.html and yeah i was going to mention how i should copy and paste the msgs?z i sent my mate after being arrestedd the other night walking from the train station to where i sleep and such walk that should only take approx 80 minutes?/z! endedd up being a few hours?z with fear of maroondah psychiatry inclusion defruiting all the not unwell process sorry progress that i have made since being taken off my CTO (CommunityTreatmentOrder) the legal bit of paper that allows someone with mental illness be in the community though has to be treated / have treatment such as either the depot or like me now just oral medication prescrybedd from a GP or equivalent though yeah i havent been in psychward/hospital since May 2018....

10:08pm ~ ?????aFREEdriveMiSHnotREALLYjust1for1ciggy&$5fromAsikkuntRELATEDdTOthisSOMEHOW!!!||||||

?? ~