preStartJournalEntry202411062151.txt = = = = - = - = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - = = = = - = = = = = Here i am now inthhe next minute and typeing after loggin in after speaking to Mum debriefing her of my day travels thoughts to convey i thought inportant anough to share with her or tell her though yeah at least luckily got the v can$ & i got a 2 litre bigM hardly drank so got fluids for tonight and for the first time i decidedd to purchase these new ?/old? JPS CLASSiC cigarettes that had myself think before payday just purchase one of the decksz and see how they are as backup ciggysz as i still need to maintain the purchaseing and consumption of JPS RED normal ciggysz as even the trialedd illicits/z i either have mucus manufactureing or mouth ulcer issues/z even iv havent even finishedd the first one cig though yeah hence gotta keep outsourceing the imperial brandsz jps red inport employeesz in my cellsz and biobody as iv there is any other type.... 9:55pm ~ thinking ill just stop here and save this and upload it to the website. OCD'd T!ME $TAMP: 9:56pm WEDNESDAY 20241106-DANDE