unfree . c o f f e e c u p . c o m
| | | | https://unfree.coffeecup.com/2024/DANDE/ A-2nd-LiST-iNDEX-2024-DANDE.html | | |
disclaimerWARNING! mY tYPEiNGS?/z! get re-iteratedd & editedd for jury/judge grooming purposesz in preparatioN
for a framed kangaroo court and they tailor/edit to paint a defruitedd me!
So i am sorry i cant undo everything they
change in order to prevent you from how "they" want you to constrew|||||| ~ mainly facebook (hacker$

~ https://facebook.com/
https://www. 132idea.blogspot.com
3:44am (MONDAY20240826/// ///////
next link .... ____ REGiFTMENT-AMOUNTS-2023-2024.txt
~ 156.74 KB . ... .....
OFFfacebookAphotoOFjameFRY202408260322-JAMES-FRY-88.jpg ~ 171.87 KB . ... .....
OFFtheNET-facebook-A2024080826-LEGO-FORESTMEN-1.jpg ~ 119.01 KB . ... .....
https://www.rba.gov.au/calculator/financialYearDecimal.html ~ an i think offical financial "tool" to calculate an amount from past's to near a current financial year or financial year trailing offically addedd up and displaysz such new amount of an increasedd number that is neededd to equivinate to the of history overall "value" and "purchaseing power" etc .......
~ a file from afew years ago though has a draftedd list of some or the stuff my parentsz(my DAD) paid for me and coveredd money spent defineately on these listedd itemizedd entrysz though yeah in order to be more outof debt i am to pay these value$ back to my parent$z!
SJ-20231230-1.jpg ~ 115.95 KB . ... .....
istockphoto-182149935-612x612.jpg ~ 34.22 KB . ... .....
DOUGsBARTON-YEAR-UNKNOWN-BEFORE-2024-000-000000-93303531_116288276707060_2752344270252802048_n.jpg ~ 242.6 KB . ... .....
8:35AM-MONDAY20240826 /// ///////